2/11/25 – 9 years ago, Cash was in the rescue. A beautiful boy. He captured the eye of his family. At the time, they were living in Alaska. We were surprisingly able to get the home visit done and then he took a plane ride through Seattle and then Alaska to be with his family. He lived with them for many years there before they relocated to Washington. I am glad they had many years and adventures. It never long enough. Cash crossed over the rainbow bridge. His family is gutted and we are so sorry for their loss. We are grateful for all the love and care they provided him.

2/11/25 Beetle came into our rescue three years ago. He was such a sweet boy! He found his forever home and has been happy with his Mom. We want to thank her for giving him so much love and care. Unfortunately, Beetle passed over the rainbow bridge. We are so very sorry for the loss. Rest in peace Beetle.

Della Street (formerly Paisley)
2/11/25 Paisley came into the rescue and found her family only a few weeks later. She became Della Street and moved to Arizona with alumni Perry Mason (previously Abbot). Unfortunately, Della passed over the rainbow bridge very unexpectedly.

Lola (formerly London)
1/30/25 – 8 years ago, we took in some beagles that were saved out of a puppy mill in Arkansas. London was among them. She was a little bitty thing that was just so adorable. Past adopters met her and it was love at first sight and London became Lola and was part of the family. She had beagle siblings and had a lot of fun in her Vegas home. She also got to spend time in Wyoming in her vacation home! She has been completely adored and loved and we can ask for nothing more for our dogs. Unfortunately, Lola crossed over the rainbow bridge rather suddenly and broke her family’s heart by her passing. She will be missed and we are terribly sorry for her family’s loss. Rest in peace Lola.

Grace (formerly Ice)
1/10/25 In 2019, we worked with BeFreegle Foundation and took in some ex research beagles. Among them was Ice. We all know how hard research beagles lives are or should have an idea by now, if you follow us. Ice was older than most research beagles being 9 years of age.
Luckily she found a home a few short months later along with another research girl. Ice became Grace and has been living an exceptional life with a family that truly loved her and showed her such care. Sadly, Grace became ill and crossed over the rainbow bridge. She leaves her mom and sibling behind. We are so very sorry for their loss. Research beagles hold a special place. Grace was fortunate to have found a family and love although her family might say they were the lucky ones. Rest in Peace Grace.

12/27/24 4 years ago, the gentlest guy came into rescue. Atlas came into rescue in severe condition. He was covered in bite wounds, had a gaping gunshot wound in his chest and was only 13 pounds. Even though you would think his spirit would be crushed, it was not. He was such a kind and gentle soul. Happy and sweet. He was taller and a healthy weight would be around 35 pounds.
He found a home and flourished with the love of a family. He had two canine siblings as well. He was such a happy good boy and even made the move back East recently. However, he became ill. Repeated attempts to figure out what was wrong, ended in failure and Atlas just kept getting worse to the point he stopped eating. Atlas crossed over the rainbow bridge right after Christmas. We know how devastated his family is and we are extremely sorry for their loss. We loved Atlas and will forever remember him as the gentle soul he was. We are grateful for the home he received and the family that showed him the love he finally deserved! Rest in peace sweet Atlas.

12/21/24 Griswold came into our rescue 5 years ago. He was 10 years of age at the time and had lived his life outdoors. At times, Gris could be temperamental but he learned how to live and be part of a family receiving love. He was such a sweet boy and we are grateful to the family that took a chance on him. Unfortunately at age 15, he developed renal failure and crossed the rainbow bridge. We are very sorry for the loss of Griswold. He did get the life he deserved and we are pleased with that. Rest in peace Griswold.

Chibs (formerly Discord)
3 years ago this happy, easy going guy came to our rescue from the South. He found a family to love fairly quickly. Discord became Chibs and enjoyed his new life immensely. We were devastated to hear that at 5 years of age, he crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are seeing more and more dogs and humans getting cancer more often. He was such a young guy but we always feel it is about quality, not quantity and I know he was deeply loved and cared for. We are truly sorry for his family’s loss. We thank them for all the years and love they poured into him. Rest in Peace Chibs.

Bandit (previously Confetti)
12/12/24 5 years ago, two small puppies came to us. They were found in the woods in Arizona in a very remote location. The small shelter that took them said they were beagles mixes and asked us to take the 6 week olds. When they got to us, it was clear they were not beagles. They were awfully cute though. We searched for homes and in the end, a wonderful couple took both sisters.
As they grew, it turned out they were big dogs. We are grateful for the home and the love they received. Unfortunately, Bandit unexpectedly crossed over the rainbow bridge at this young age. She was rushed to the hospital and needed a transfusion but she did not make it. We are terribly sorry for her family’s loss. Her sister is still here and she and their mom will look after each other now. How devastating. Rest in peace Bandit.

12/9/24 Hank came into our rescue from our rescue partners in the South. He was such a fun loving guy. He had to be treated for heartworms. Now just shy of his two year Gotcha Day, he passed over the rainbow bridge from congestive heart failure. We are extremely saddened for his mom’s loss. We know how well cared for he was and he was loved so much and we are so grateful for that. He leaves behind alumni Ferg. Rest in peace Hank!! you will be missed.

Belle (formerly Tranquility)
11/16/24 A legend passed away today. She was known as Tranquility in the rescue and as Belle by her family of 4 years. She was an absolutely gorgeous red tick beagle lady. As her foster mom, I immediately felt she had a special presence. She had been a breeding female living in a rabbit hutch in Mississippi. Our rescue partner lovingly took in a worn out momma dog, who needed to be spayed and needed medications for a skin and mouth infections. Once stable, she was transferred to our group and I was her foster mom. Her front legs and feet were turned inward and splayed from living in a rabbit hutch. Her mouth was a mess and our group provided the best dental available. Belle’s years living that way did not affect her spirit. She was somewhat shy initially but soon blossomed with love and good care in our foster home.
Then another miracle happened! Former adopters and good friends adopted Belle and she became the benevolent alpha of their beagle pack and the kitties. Her motherly instincts were so strong and she comforted not only her furry pack, but also her human family. We grieve her loss but celebrate a truly remarkable soul, who touched her family, her foster family, and the world. Rest in peace, Beautiful Lady. We will never forget you.

10/29/24 13 years ago, a spunky girl came into our rescue after an owner failed her. This beauty took little time to find her forever home. She lived here in Vegas for a bit before finally moving to Idaho permanently. She has had an amazing life, but unfortunately she crossed over the bridge yesterday, leaving her family with a giant hole in their heart. We are forever grateful to them for giving her a family. We are very sorry for their loss. I remember Roxy quite well. She was playful and affectionate. She came from crazy beginnings where her original owner was forced to move in with family who refused to let her inside. she spent all of her time outdoors and learned to climb out of her yard but then ended up on a busy street which was no good and then they just tied her up. This was her life for 2 years. Finally she was surrendered and taken out of this horrific situation and finally had a chance with a real home and real family filled with lots of love. That is why we do what we do. Rest in Peace now Roxy.

10/22/24 6 years ago, a beautiful coonhound was surrendered to us because his family was moving. Coonhounds are definitely harder to place here in Las Vegas. They require run room and are still driven by their nose like beagles but they are also quite goofy in comparison. Toby was an exceptional coonhound and found his forever home rather quickly in less than one month. They loved him. He was the most perfect dog and we would see him from time to time over the years. Unfortunately, Toby ended up with cancer. His family saw him to the end. His Dad told me he was the most perfect dog ever. He was easy going, loved car rides, was perfect every where they went and a love. Just pure love. We are so grateful for the love and home they gave him and are incredibly sorry for their loss. He was a good boy. He was a little over 10 years of age when he crossed. Rest in Peace Toby.

10/21/24 12 years ago this really cute beagle/cavalier mix came to us. He was only one year old and we pulled him out of a neighboring shelter on the last day he had before he would be euthanized. He had all the beagle traits but had those beautiful ears that cavaliers do. Mac found his home right away. He has made a couple of moves but always remained part of the family. Recently the family fought as Mac fought cancer and ultimately lost his battle. We are so sorry for his family’s loss of their precious boy and are grateful for the time and love they gave him all these years. Rest in Peace Mac.

10/11/24 Drummer came into our rescue a couple of years ago. It was evident he had a hard life. He was a happy little dude though. He was adopted and lived with another alumni. Unfortunately, Drummer had heart damage caused by heartworm he had had before he came into rescue. He was with his family a little over one and half years. We are so sorry for their loss and are devastated they lost him so soon. We also know, his time with his family was likely the best time of his life. This is when the quality matter more than the quantity. We thank his family for giving him the love and family he most certainly deserved. We only wish it could have lasted longer. Rest in Peace Drummer.

9/24/24 11 years ago we took in Rustie, a very sensitive boy at the age of 5. Rustie would attend adoption events and as soon as his foster mom walked away, Rustie sang for us until she came back. He had a couple of meet and greets and then his foster Mom realized what Rustie had already knew, they were family. He bonded to her so fiercely and has been a loyal companion all these years. Rustie was 17 years of age when he crossed over the rainbow bridge. We know how much his Mama is going to miss him. He has attended many of our events and had some handsome outfits. He will be missed. Rest in peace Rustie boy.

Billie Jean
8/21/24 Billie Jean came to us during the pandemic. She was a little girl but about 6 years old. She actually found a home rather quickly. She had other beagles to be around and enjoyed her new family. Sadly, earlier this year, Billie Jean developed a large stomach mass that was inoperable. She still could get around and seemingly was happy. With time, the tumor grew and this week she could not longer eat or move around. Billie Jean’s life was cut short but we are appreciative of the home she had and the love she received. We are very sorry for her family and the loss they are now feeling. Rest in Peace Billie.

8/20/24 3 years ago, a sweet little beagle named Chime came into our rescue. He was around 4 or 5 years of age. He came into rescue covered in fleas and ticks. Clearly no one ever cared for him. What he found was a family to love him. He found a home and was very happy. Unfortunately, cancer rears its ugly head and took hold our Chime. Chime crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are so grateful to his family with providing him love and a home, and a family to call his own. We are so very sorry for their loss of sweet man Chime. I was fortunate enough to watch him at Beagletopia. We never know how long any of us will last and that is truly the hardest part of having them and loving them. They are worth the pain. I hope in time his family can be consoled by their memories. Rest in peace Chime.

8/2/24 6 years ago, we took in a 4 year old. Her name was Nessie! Nessie loved to get close and be with you! Her foster mom had her for just a few days when she decided Nessie should be part of the family! Nessie has remained in her family with her mom and dad devoting all of their attention and love to her. Shortly after, they added a beagle brother to her family. Nessie has always been a very happy girl and many times we had her here with us for events and perhaps you met her. We were so saddened to hear of her passing. She was young at only about 10 years of age when she succumbed to heart failure. We know her tragic passing has devastated her family. Even though we have lost her, we know how much she was truly loved and are grateful for that. Her family is hurting now and we send them our deepest condolences. We will always remember you Nessie! Rest in peace.

Barley (formerly Gnarly)
7/23/24 Gnarly came into our rescue in 2022 and was 13 years of age. He was a mess and had been neglected for some time. His nails were painful to look at and so were his eyes. He went to the vet and we started to work on his needs. He went to the eye specialist as well. Gnarly ended up with eyelid cancer and the tumors started growing quickly. He ultimately lost his eyes which in the end, was fine by him, because he was out of pain and on track. Gnarly ended up becoming a forever foster, meaning his family took him in and loved him and cared for him, but the rescue picked up his expenses. His family called him Barley and he had a feline sibling he adored. Barley has done pretty well for the last two years. His family has made his life enjoyable. Unfortunately he quickly stopped eating this weekend and started to struggle. He was rushed into the vet only to find he had cancer and his prognosis was not good. Barley, our Gnarly crossed over the rainbow bridge with his family by his side. We are so sorry for their loss but also grateful for the life they gave him. We could not ask for anything more. Rest in peace Barley, you were a character and will surely be missed.

Mischief (formerly Helga)
7/22/24 When Helga first came to us, she had mange. She stayed with us for a bit to get treated and heal and became just a gorgeous girl. She was adopted and continued living a very happy life now known as Mischief. Over the years, we heard from her mommy just how well Mischief was doing and how much she loved her. Unfortunately and very unexpectedly, Mischief received a wrong diagnosis which is devastating and by the time she received the correct one, it was too late and because of the medications she was put on, and the damage that was caused prevented further treatment. Our little Mischief passed over the rainbow bridge. We are heartbroken as we know her mommy is as well. It shatters us all who try so hard. We are thankful for the 8 years she had a wonderful home. We send our warmest condolences to her family. We know how broken they are with the grief. Rest in Peace Mischief.

7/1/24 We had to say goodbye to our foster Mickie today. He came to us a little over a year ago when his original owner died and the person that took him in wanted to put him down but surrendered him to rescue instead because we agreed to take him. He had renal failure and the Southern NV Beagle Rescue asked if we could give him a comfortable place to live out his last few days. We figured it would only be a few weeks to maybe a few months because he was so skinny, won’t eat, and won’t even look at us. But he was comfortable here having us waiting on him by feeding him slow cooked chicken so that he could eat because his ulcers and few teeth made him a very picky eater. I’m sure because it hurt to eat.
He would let us know when he wanted something with a big bark and especially had Mike doing his bidding. We know he had a good life with previous owner but we feel like we gave him the best life he could have in his last year. His nickname was Mickiedo, he made us smile and laugh daily and we will miss his special personality. We called him a super senior because he was approximately 18 years old. Even though we knew he would not be with us for long, it is never easy to say goodbye to someone your love and we did love him very much. Rest in peace my Mickiedo, please tell Daisy and Cletus we miss them and will see y’all on the other side.

6/12/24 Gordo came into the rescue and had to be treated for heartworms. He did get a forever home with an alumni beagle. Unfortunately, the heartworms he had previously had caused much heart damage and sadly Gordo passed away. We were so sorry to hear of his loss. We are grateful to his family that gave him the love and also his foster family as he was with them for quite a time as well. Rest in peace Gordo.

Andy (formerly Mater)
6/10/24 A few years ago, this little beagle came to us through our partners. We found out, he actually had a home at one time, but then some changes happened and they started being mean to Mater and leaving him in their garage. He was finally surrendered. He ended up having heartworm as he was never given preventative. He was a sweet boy and found his home in Cape Cod and became Andy. Andy brought life to his home and they loved him dearly. He went on many adventures and we were thrilled. He was finally getting the love and attention he deserved. Unfortunately only a few years later, Andy ended up in renal failure. His family tried everything they could, but in the end, Andy passed. We are so very sorry for their loss of their little beloved guy. Thank you for giving him a life. Rest in peace Andy.

6/5/24 We are very saddened as yesterday, after many stressful hours, Jammy suddenly passed. We truly believed he would make it and are gutted that it wasn’t so. Jammy was a sweet little lemon and the last of Crescent’s babies. He lived 12 days. He now joins Little Magic Bean over the rainbow bridge. Rest in Peace Jammy angel.

Idaho (formerly Clue)
5/30/24 Clue came into our rescue only 2 years ago. She had had a very hard life to start. She found a home and thereafter went by Idaho! Idaho was an easy going girl who ended up getting all the love she deserved. We were so happy about that. Unfortunately Idaho recently was ill and spent over a week in the hospital. When she came home, she was doing well and had a new diet for her new medical… But that only lasted for a short time and she ended up back in the hospital and her organs started failing. The veterinary office tried everything they could think of for her. In the end, she was unresponsive to all attempts and stopped eating. Sadly, Idaho crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are so sorry for her mommy’s loss. Rest in peace Idaho.

Little Magic Bean
5/28/24 Extremely sad day for us. Our Little Magic Bean passed away. He wasn’t thriving. We truly tried. We put it all into him. The love, the concern, the support. But our little angel only survived 5 days. We are posting this as a memorial fund for him. Please say a prayer for him and his surviving brother and mother.

Lily (formerly Missy)
5/28/24 Missy came into the rescue at 1 year old. For the last 8-9 years she has lived with a loving family and went by Lily. Lily had lots of love and fun in his happy family and gained a canine sister as well. Unfortunately Lily ended up in heart failure and went downhill quickly. We are so grateful for the love and happiness she had these last years and are terribly sorry for her family’s loss. Rest in Peace Lily.

Meatball (formerly Doritos)
5/28/24 Doritos was the brother to Batty (Matty). They were left in a yard most of their life. One getting most of the food, one not. They were 13 years when they came into rescue. Doritos was fostered and adopted by his foster and started going by Meatball. He has lived these last years in comfort of a home and a family full of love. We are very appreciative of that. Unfortunately Meatball crossed over the rainbow bridge at the age of 16. We are very sorry for his family’s loss. We have some good memories and some funny ones and we will treasure them. Rest in Peace Meatball!

5/18/24 13 years ago, a friend called for help. This little guy was being kept at a drug house. During an incident, LOX was stranded and abandoned. We tried to find next of kin but the stories didn’t match up and we couldn’t put him in harms way. LOX was such a cutie and we were able to find him a home right away. He visited off and on over the years. Unfortunately, little little, his affectionate nickname his family gave him, ended up with heart failure and crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are terribly sorry for their loss. Thank you for the love and home you gave him all these years. Rest in peace Lox.

Jasper (formerly Bourbon)
5/12/24 5 years ago, this beautiful boy made his way into rescue. Bourbon started his journey in the South and came to us. He was around 3 years of age and was such a fun loving guy. It did not take long, maybe 2 weeks for him to find his home. He became Jasper and has been living wonderfully these past years. Unfortunately Jasper ended up with prostate cancer. His family really tried to do whatever they could for him, but ultimately the cancer spread and Jasper crossed over the rainbow bridge. He had a loving family and a beagle brother that he leaves behind. We are incredibly sorry for their loss of their beautiful Jasper. He was loved and traveled and had a lot of fun with his brother Harry and his mom and dad. We thank his family for the life they gave them and give them our sincerest sympathies. Rest in peace Jasper.
Matty (formerly Batty)
5/12/24 Batty came into our rescue at 13 years of age about 3 years ago. He had spent his entire life living in a filthy backyard with a sibling that ate all of the food given to them. They did not have much interactions and no socialization. The boys did not need to be together and actually were better apart. Batty needed medical care and was awfully thin. He was not great with other dogs but manageable and he had the softest ears so very therapeutic to just sit next to and rub. Anyway, he stayed at the rescue but because we have so many dogs coming in and out, it was too stressful for him here. We tried to adopt him and that did not work out (due to a work schedule, not him) so we opted to put him in a forever foster home. He was loved and doing great until his foster mommy had a medical emergency and could no longer care for him. How sad for him and her but we were able to move him to another forever foster home and his new mommy kept in touch with his old mommy and that was so nice that for a dog that had such a rough start, in his final years, he had the most love from two moms (and a dad).
For years he went under the name Matty by his “mommies.” I could not have asked for anything better for this wonderful boy. Although there were some bumps in the road, this is rescue and how incredible to have that village hold you up and love you together. Unfortunately out of no where, Matty had a medical emergency this morning. Quite unexpected and he crossed over the rainbow bridge very peacefully with his family. We are deeply sorry for the pain of his loss to his families, especially on Mother’s Day. We are grateful for the life he lived these last few years. He was misunderstood by many and he flourished under loving hands and even got to a point where he had doggy friends. I really liked this guy and felt blessed to have found the care for him I was looking for. Rest in Peace Matty, you sure will be missed.


4/11/24. Chica came to us 5 years ago when her original owner went into assisted living and could not take her. She did find the most wonderful home and for the last 5 years has been living the good life with her mommy. She even moved with her. She eventually got some more alumni brothers as well. She ended up with heart disease that eventually is what took her. We are so sorry for her mommy’s loss and are grateful for the most loving home for Chica. Rest in peace Chica.

4/10/24 Blue came into our rescue 9 years ago at 9 years of age. The owners stated they did not have time for him. Blue was a beautiful blue fawn beagle but because he was not a youngster, he stayed in the rescue for many months. Luckily his family saw him and it was love at first sight.
They adopted him and he learned to be part of a loving family for these last nine years. He moved across the country and they did not get rid of him when they moved but took him as part of the family. They loved him until the end and as a rescuer, that is all we can hope for. Unfortunately, they had to say goodbye to this sweetheart but will see him over the rainbow bridge. Rest in peace you handsome boy.

Penny (formerly July)
4/8/24 July came to us, you guessed it in July. She was a sweet girl and she found her home with a past adopter and became Penny. Penny lived an amazing life these last 7 years. She had a canine brother and her mom and dad who loved her fiercely. We are grateful for that as Penny ended up with cancer and just crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are terribly sorry for the loss of beautiful Penny. The hole she creates will be hard to fill but we hope in time the memories of her and her brother that went before her, can comfort her family. Rest in Peace Penny.

4/4/24 7 years ago, we held an adoption event. This person walked up with this really fat beagle with a tiny little head. Her belly was red. They surrendered her. She was nine years of age and apparently had severe allergies her whole life, and her belly had looked red and raw most of her life. Wow!
We took Kerry into the rescue and devised a plan to get her better. She had a series of shots (one daily for two weeks). That ended the cycle. Her belly finally was not red and not itchy. We did keep her on an allergy shot, but what an improvement. She went to a home with a past adopter just two months later, and she lived an amazing life. She lost a lot of the weight. She had a beagle brother and then ended up with another one as a hospice foster. Kerry, unfortunately, watched her brothers leave her and then a final blow… Kerry passed over the rainbow bridge after living a wonderful end to her life with lots of love and fun. We are grateful to her family for giving her what she needed. We are so terribly sorry for their loss of their last beagle. We hope the memories can bring comfort in time. Rest in peace, little Kerry.

(no title)
3/22/24 Ladybird came into our rescue 6 years ago a happy, beautiful girl. Her foster family loved her and she found her forever family one month later. She had a good happy life with them. Unfortunately Ladybird ended up with cancer and she just recently passed away. She would have been around 11 years of age. We are so very sorry for their loss. We know all too well the pain with this type of loss. We are so filled with gratitude for the love and life they gave her as well as a loving home. Rest in peace Ladybird!

Abbi (formerly Anelea)
3/21/24 – Anelea came into our rescue 4 years ago. She found her home within one month and became Abbi! She was a shy dog to start and rarely came up to people willingly. She had a canine sister and the two of them together were great. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with Cushing’s 6 months ago and her sister passed from diabetes 5 months ago. Abbi did not last long with this dreaded disease. Her mom made sure she was comfortable and although she did lose a lot of weight, she was happy and running around still, but the Cushings wore her body down quickly and once she started having too much pain, she crossed over the rainbow bridge with her mom at her side. We are so thankful she had Abbi and how Abbi blossomed under her care. We are terribly sorry for her loss. Rest in Peace Abbi.

Beau (formerly Clyde)
3/18/24 8 years ago, a puggle came through the rescue. He was an amazing dog and found a home approximately 2 months later with a past adopter. They renamed him Beau and he lived a very good and happy life with his family. Unfortunately, Beau just crossed over the rainbow bridge with his family by his side. He was 17 years of age and will now join his loving sister Betsy on the other side. We are truly sorry for his family’s loss. rest in peace sweet Beau.
3/15/24 This is the most difficult post to write. I have started this over and over again. Adore came to me as part of a large research group that was being released. Most research dogs are used and released usually at an earlier age. Adore was 10 years of age.
Research dogs go through some of the most inhumane treatments “all for us.” She like most research dogs was terrified of a world she knew nothing about. She had never lived outside of a cage. I did not know at the time what this girl would come to mean to me. Adore was not an easy dog to adopt. She had many issues, mostly all emotional. She also might never be house trained, a trait most people do not want to deal with. It took Adore close to one year before she would take a treat or even come up to a person. We used to take her to adoption events even though we knew it stressed her out. We hoped a connection could be made. What actually happened was a connection had secretly been made without anyone knowing, even me.
I promised Adore on our way back one day from an adoption event, that she would not have to endure that again. We made a decision that Adore would stay at Beagletopia. Over the years, Adore taught many people about research dogs and also about love. She was adored by many. I took enormous joy in seeing Adore happy and anytime she did something simple that reminded me of a normal dog, like rolling on her back. I spent the next 7 years making Adore know she was more than just a thing to poke and prod. I tried to ensure that she had enormous value and that she was loved so incredibly much. Many of you go to know Adore and loved her over the years. After about one year of having her, I tried to teach her the dog door. This was a painful experience for both of us and I soon realized to give up. Four years later, I came home in the spring to Adore outside and me panicked about how she got there. She had taught herself the dog door all these years later. Now, she did not learn the dog door to do her business outside but to look for me.
Adore became the most normal dog for her. She was the most trusted and the only dog I could have the gate wide open and she would not go anywhere. For several years Adore had succumbed to heart then renal disease and we know she had delicate eyes, only last week seeing our eye doctor. You can imagine what a shock it was to lose her so unexpectedly. I was there when she left me and this image will haunt me for as long as I can remember. I loved her so fiercely and I hope and pray it was enough. For me, I am completely crushed and saddened to not have her in my life. She left me, one month to the day after Sasha. When I could hold Adore and love her with her relaxing on me, well I will cherish those days and miss them extremely. Every time I think my heart cannot possibly hurt as much as it did, it proves me wrong by breaking into a million pieces. I will forever miss mi amore, mi Adore. I love you forever. Rest in peace Adore.

3/7/24 Ten years ago, a little beagle came into our rescue. She was given up because of a child that was bit and who kept getting in her face. Reesey was a beautiful, playful girl who had her favorite toy. She found her home rather quickly and has been living a great life until now. Reesey crossed over the rainbow bridge. She crossed peacefully at home with dad by her side. We are grateful forthe love she was given and the home she had. We are incredibly sorry for their loss of little Reesey. She was a good little girl, may she rest in peace.

Gracie (previously Yuma)
2/19/24 Gracie came into our rescue 4 years ago as an owner surrender (Previously Yuma). It did not take long for her to find a forever home. Gracie hiked vigorously and had a grand time with her dad. Unfortunately Gracie’s life was cut short when she recently got sick with nasal cancer. Our poor girl was only 6 years of age. We are so sorry for her family’s loss of their precious Gracie but are thankful she had a wonderful loving home. Rest in peace Gracie.

2/12/24 Sharkey came into our rescue at the age of 15 when his owner went into hospice and then passed away. He was fragile. We decided we would bring him in as a forever foster/hospice care. Therefore, he stayed with one family the entire time he was in rescue and for the rest of his life. Sharkey was in our care about almost 2 years and just crossed over the rainbow bridge this morning at the age of 17. He was surrounded by his family that loved him these last years. We cannot thank them enough, for bringing him into their home knowing they would have to say goodbye at some point. He enjoyed his life with them. They gave him the greatest gift of loving him when he was old and letting him go when it was time. Thank you so much. Rest in peace Sharkey.

1/18/24 We took Keegan into the rescue about three and half years ago. She found a family and has been loved on since. Unfortunately, Keegan ended up with Mast cell. We surely hate cancer and mast cell is a bad one. Her family did everything they could for her but she stopped responding and was starting to suffer. Keegan crossed over the rainbow bridge with her family’s love surrounding her. We certainly wish they had more time with her. Keegan will be missed. We are appreciate the love her family provided her. We are terribly sorry for their loss. Rest in Peace Keegan girl.

1/11/24 Sad news today. General came into our rescue a little over two years ago. He had a lot of character and was adopted one month later. General has been loved ever since in a big way! I recently spent some time with General, who lives out of town, when his family recently came to adopt a human baby. General has been the best big brother and very protective over his little brother.
Unfortunately General and his dad were out when they hit a patch of ice in the road and rolled the car. Everyone’s worst nightmare and sadly, General did not make it. The family is devastated, as you can imagine. We are thankful that General had a wonderful life for these past two years and three months and are sharing in his family’s loss. We are so sad for them and for General. Thank you for loving him and truly making him part of the family. Rest in peace big guy, we all loved you General.

1/5/24 Cletus came to us 3 years ago and within a month, he found his forever home. He was young enough and we expected him to live many years. Cletus often spent shared time between his adopter and his grandparents. He enjoyed life and was thoroughly happy. Unfortunately, while spending time with his grandparents, he was in bed with them, and woke up and fell over and passed away.
They believe he might have had a stroke. This was a shock and a terrible punch in the gut. We are extremely sorry for the family’s loss. We also want to thank them. Dogs do not equate time like we do and his family was certainly robbed of the time they had with him. But, Cletus had three incredible years and for him that was a lifetime of love. We are grateful for that. Rest in peace Cletus.

1/4/24 Kermit was pulled out of the shelter by us around ten years ago. His life was being threatened for being severely matted. Well one shave and he was good to go!
Kermit was full of life and had an amazing adopter. He had adventures that brought him to many areas, including Hawaii. Unfortunately Kermit ended up with cancer that took over his body. He was around 13-14 years of age. We are so sorry to his family for their loss but thank them for giving him the love and home he truly deserved. Rest in peace Kermit.

Marlee (formerly Cherry)
1/4/24 Marlee came to us 5 years ago and we named her Cherry. She was originally purchased from a breeder and made to live outdoors her entire life. Then she came to us.
She found a home rather quickly with one of our past adopters and became Marlee. They showered her with love and of course, she then lived indoors. She was a happy girl who finally got a family that loved her. Unfortunately her health was not good and even though we believed she was around 10 years of age, she was struggling. Her family made the decision to let her go. We are grateful for the love they gave her and are terribly sorry for their loss of sweet Marlee. Rest in peace girl.

12/4/23 n 2014, I pulled a yorkie from the shelter. She was in danger of losing her life because she was matted and had bad teeth. Well a shave and dental later, Athena got to keep her life. After less than one month in rescue, she found a home.
Athena was fierce. She also showed me her hunting skills for squirrels. She had a family that adored her and other
canine siblings. She was treated like a princess, as she should be. 💕 Sadly, Athena was not well and passed over the rainbow bridge. We are terribly sorry for her family’s loss. Thank you for giving her a home and lots of love. Rest in Peace Athena.

11/30/23 Manatee came to us at the beginning of October in 2022. It didn’t take long. A month later, she found her forever home. Manatee ended up losing an eye, and this poor girl has had one medical condition after another. Her family loved her fiercely throughout it all.
Sadly, her body gave out, and she just couldn’t breathe. We know Manatee did not have a good life before she came into
rescue. We know that based on the condition she was in. We also know we found the absolute perfect family for her, and we will be forever grateful for the love they poured into her.
Manatee was with me to start, and then a longtime adopter fostered her and had a hard time letting go. He soon came to realize the family chosen for Manatee were top notch and he saw her blossom in her family. We are heartbroken for them and are very sorry for their loss. Rest in peace Manatee, sweet baby girl.

11/17/23 8 years ago, we got a call about a mama dog and puppy abandoned at a vet. We step up to help these chihuahuas. Jillian was a chihuahua but she made herself a home with one of our local beagle families and finally got the love she deserved after being a breeder dog for years. Jillian was with one of our volunteers and we all got to see her often over the years. Unfortunately, her body gave out from cancer and she crossed peacefully over the rainbow bridge. Rest in peace Jillian.

11/16/23 10 years ago, a pekingese found her way from us to a past adopter of the same breed. Little Annie started on the streets and was much like a beagle in her hunger for food. She tried to eat all kinds of stuff like spaghetti…. Annie was a rags to riches dog. She ended up living her life in Sedona with a family that loved her. 3 years ago her mom passed away suddenly and one year ago her canine sister. It was just Annie and her dad.
I saw Annie often enough over the years as we became quite close to her adoptive family. She learned to become picky and hold out for the best food she could and they obliged and cooked for her. She ended up with some heart issues but it was under control. Then out of nowhere, a lump popped up and she was diagnosed with cancer. Cancer is so ugly. Annie passed away peacefully this morning with her dad by her side. We are very sorry for his loss. Annie’s ashes will be mixed with her canine sister’s and her mom’s and I hope to hike up to Thunder Mountain in Sedona and bring them up to the top for her dad. From their house, the view of Thunder Mountain is what you see. I know she has left a hole in his heart and in his home. I hope the memories can turn to comfort with time. Rest in Peace Annie.

Yogi Bear
11/14/23 Yogi Bear had an awful life. He was part of a hoarding house, where lots of breeding went on. Yogi made it out and to a rescue only recently. He made his journey from the South and entered our rescue at the beginning of July. When Yogi Bear first went into rescue in the South, his nails were so long, they were curled and embedded into his paws. How awful that pain must have been. He had to go under anesthesia to have it taken care of properly.
When he came to us, he could not really walk. Maybe a few steps. He mostly dragged himself. We found he could walk with the assistance of a sling. Surely he needed a lot of care. We had him evaluated and found he had a spinal injury. Most definitely while under the care, if you can call it that, of his awful owners.
We knew there was a good chance Yogi Bear would never make it out of rescue. It is hard enough to adopt out the healthy ones that are young and vibrant. But Yogi deserved love, especially after all he endured. He wasn’t young and he wasn’t healthy. I could not believe my ears when a very kind hearted woman contacted me for Yogi Bear. She was not deterred from the issues Yogi had. She traveled here from Arizona and made Yogi part of her family. I have tears in my eyes as I think about it all. How blessed I felt.
She ended up getting him a stroller for his morning participation of coffee out. Sadly, she lost Yogi Bear. She only had him a little over 3 months. What an angel she was to him. I am filled with gratitude for the huge heart she has. Such a short time, but I know in my heart, those months were the absolute best of his life. I am joyful he had such love finally. Those of us in rescue know without a doubt, it is not quantity, but quality. I am grateful to her for that. Rest in Peace Yogi Bear. Thank you so much Sue. We are so sorry for your loss.

11/12/23 Cora came into our rescue three and a half years ago. She was a beautiful red tick. Her family surrendered her after they had a baby. But Cora found an even better family that loved her so much. She thrived with them and vice versa. Unfortunately, Cora ended up with bladder cancer as many beagles do. Her family did what they could for her but in the end her body just couldn’t take anymore. Cora passed peacefully with the love of her family surrounding her. We are grateful to them and also extremely sorry for the incredible hole she has left. We hope their memories will help comfort them in time. Rest in Peace Cora.

11/11/23 Two and half years ago, we saw a 14 year old that was in the shelter and decided we needed to help him. He was a beagle cocker mix. He was dumped in a shelter when he nipped a grandchild. Doc was a very loving dog that bonded to his human but was grumpy with other dogs. Doc was in foster care for a bit and then found a loving home. He moved up to Reno and lived his life out with his human that he loved so much. We are grateful to her for providing him a loving home and keeping him in her heart. Doc passed suddenly. We are very sorry for his mommy’s loss. We know she gave him an end well deserved instead of the shelter the last owners dumped him in. Rest in peace Doc.

10/18/23 A little over 6 years ago, we took in a group of research dogs. These beagles had never seen the light of day. They had no idea what it was to be a dog. They did not know people could be kind.
Valentine came in with that group. She was 7 yrs old at the time. She had lived her life in a cage, being tested on and breeding more research dogs. The lab left scars, although not physical ones. She did have some issues with her toes from being kept in a cage and made to stand on wires instead of even a mat or flat bottom. She slowly became a dog. Val was adopted by a loving couple who adopted her and another. She was a special girl and unfortunately took a turn. She stopped eating (a symptom too many of us are too familiar with), and she crossed peacefully with her family surrounding her in love. Rest in peace my funny Valentine……you will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Zoe (formerly Misty)
10/6/23 10 yrs ago, a beautiful lemon beagle found her way into our rescue when her family was moving and decided not to take her. She started out as Misty but in less than two weeks, she became Zoe and lived the rest of her life in a loving family. They loved her and gave her beagle sisters too. We are so very sorry that Zoe just crossed over the rainbow bridge from heart failure. It is always so hard to lose them. We remain grateful to the wonderful family that she was part of. I know how devastated they are at this loss but hope the memories comfort them in time and the sisters (also alumni) help heal the heart. Rest in Peace Zoe, you were a beautiful girl, inside and out.

Bailey (formerly Thalia)
10/6/23 She ended up being adopted to one of our alumni, who still had a beagle. We knew she was in good hands. They loved Thalia and renamed her Bailey. During her time with them, she had so much care and love. Unfortunately, she ended up having some heart issues earlier this year and ended up having a pacemaker inserted. She was doing much better but unfortunately, it did not last and she kept having seizures. Bailey was struggling and she crossed over the rainbow bridge. We want to thank her family who did so much for her and loved her. We are always so grateful for what our adopters do for our dogs. Rest in Peace Bailey.

10/2/23 Around 10 years ago, I saw this beagle in a shelter and she had been there for a while. We pulled her out. She ended up with a family and remained there having all kinds of adventures over the years. She got to go all over. We are so grateful to her family that loved her all these years. They saw her beauty.
Tara had urinary issues most of her life but her family stuck by her. Unfortunately, her dad passed away from illness but her mom continued to treasure her. They were both photographers so Tara got to go with them. She lived a very good life and we could not be happier for that. rest in peace Tara. You will be missed.

Sadie (formerly Katie)
9/25/23 11 years ago, a beautiful beagle was found abandoned. She was around one year of age. She had some bad hips and likely was the reason she was abandoned. Katie found a home rather quickly. She then became Sadie and had a human sibling named Katie. She has been in her loving forever home all these years and has helped many dogs being fostered to adjust into a loving home and find their families. We are so sorry for her family’s loss. We know how incredibly hard it is to lose them. We thank them for loving her all this time.

9/12/23 11 years ago, we took in a young beagle girl who was apparently “too active!” – lol. She had many people who wanted her but we felt we found the perfect match. Molly has spent all these years as an adventurer and has seen more than most people. She has hike all over the Southwest going miles and miles and when she got older and would get too tired, well she still got to go along and do her favorite thing.
Unfortunately, Molly has now crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are truly sorry for her loss as I know this has created a huge hole. We are thankful for the life she lived. Rest in Peace Molly, you will be missed.

Rocco (previously Broco)
9/8/23 Sadly, another alumni has crossed over the rainbow bridge. Rocco (previously Broco) came into rescue when his family fell on hard times. It did not take him long to find his forever home and they have been loving on him all these years. We are so very sorry for their loss and our other alumni that is now left alone. We are grateful to the family for making him part of theirs and rescuing a second a few years ago. Rocco was around 15 yrs when he passed. Rest in Peace boy.

9/7/23 One of our alumni has crossed over the rainbow bridge. Freddy came to us when I was driving down the road and he darted across the road in front of me. I stopped my car and jumped out, blocking all the traffic. I was on my way to the vet office so was able to get him scanned. At first, we thought this was going to be an incredible reunion as the dog had been missing for one year and we were excited for a reunion. That thought was instantly deflated when we were told by the owners, “we lost that dog a year ago, we don’t want him now, we got another dog.” How disappointing. This is what microchips are for; to reunite. Therefore, Freddy came into our rescue.
He was such a cutie. Freddy found a home and lived a marvelous life. Likely one far better than what he might have gone back to. Freddy was with his family for 10 years. We wished it was longer but we are grateful they loved him and made him part of the family all this time. Rest in Peace Freddy.

8/29/23 Sadly, an alumni has gone over the rainbow bridge. Miracle came to us right as the pandemic started. It did not take her long to find a home. She had a family who loved her and kids to play with. Unfortunately, she dashed out the door the other day and was hit by a car and lost her life. We know how devastating that is and we are truly sorry for their loss. We are happy she was loved during her time with them. Rest in Peace Miracle.

8/22/23 Digger came to us when he was 5 years old. His family was moving and not taking him. He was a happy playful pup and he was adopted to a family. They had him for 10 years and sadly surrendered him back when they were moving. Digger was now 15 yrs of age and he did not see well but after a few days of adjustment, was doing well. Digger has been back with us for 3 months. He has been to the vet several times and we thought doing well considering he was older and had a heart condition. But early this morning, digger started having seizures and the last one, he could not come out of. Sadly, he has now crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are sad for him and we hope we loved him enough in the end. Rest in peace sweet Digger boy.

Sadie (formerly Trick)
8/15/23 Trick came into our rescue around Halloween… within a month, she had a home of her
own and went by Sadie. Unfortunately, she only had her Dad for just short of 2 years. We are so thankful that Sadie had such love and care. Her Dad loved her and we would like to believe, made Sadie forget her past. We are so sorry to hear of Sadie’s passing. She was a beautiful girl and we hope the memories they hold help comfort them with time. Rest in Peace Sadie.

8/8/23 Ziggy was found on the streets at a very young age and was turned into the rescue. His potential family decided against him, and his foster family decided to make him officially theirs. Ziggy has been living all these years with his loving family. He had 2 beagle sisters and 1 beagle brother as well as a mom and dad. He was such a love and protector of his family. I know they will miss him greatly and we are truly sorry for their loss. We are also very thankful for their love and support they gave to Ziggy all these years. Rest in peace Ziggy boy.

Peaches (formerly Little Celine)
8/7/23 Little Celine was pulled out of the shelter. I remember it clearly; pulled 4 dogs that day. As you can figure, she was adopted easily. She became Peaches and has been living a spoiled loving life! Unfortunately Peaches crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are grateful to her mom for loving her the last ten years and we are so very sorry for their loss of little Peaches. Rest in peace girl.

Star Bella
8/6/23 Star came into our rescue a little over one and half years ago. She came from a horrible start in life. Living in a rabbit hutch for 9 years until her owner died and no one even knew she was back there until a utility worker spotted her three weeks later. She had chemical burns from standing in urine soaked hay. She was riddled with parasites.
When she first came to us, she found some garbage to lay in, like that is all she deserved. After that, we made sure to pour love into her and let her know she was worth more and never had to go back to that life. She not only found a home and was adopted, but she found the most loving home for her. She then became Star Bella. She went from rags to riches with a large house and yard and a mommy to spoil her rotten as she deserves. Her mommy even adopted her a sister. Unfortunately, Star Bella crossed over the rainbow bridge. Even though her time in a home was short, we are grateful that she knew love in the end. Star Bella does not know she was only in her family a short time, she just knows she was loved and we hope that was the only memory she had. We send out our condolences to her family and thank them for adopting her. Rest in Peace Star Bella.

7/22/23 We received the sad news that one of our alumni crossed over the rainbow bridge. Dollie was adopted out 11 years ago but was then returned a little over 4 years ago. We were surprised she was returned but we will always take our dogs back. She was so sweet and honestly found a home rather quickly. Dollie was living these last years in Utah and having a great time with her family. We are so sad for their loss and are so grateful for the love they gave her these past 4 years. We send our sincere condolences to her family. Dollie had a fun time with her family and the adventures she was part of…Rest in peace Dollie.

Jake (previously Drake)
7/14/23 We got some sad news last night. Jake (previously Drake) had unexpectedly took ill and crossed the rainbow bridge. He came into our rescue a little over 11 years ago. He was an owner surrender. He was such a beautiful chocolate beagle, we knew he would find a home quickly. He was in our rescue maybe two weeks before he found his perfect home.
He started his new journey here in Las Vegas but had many adventures with his family both here and beyond Las Vegas as he and his family moved and experienced so many things including snow! He went along with the family through a couple of moves. They were amongst the mindset that family moves with you. 💕 We never understand why so many people move and dump their dogs.
Jake really had such a fulfilled life, I am comforted with that knowledge. I know his family is shattered and so sad and we truly are sorry for their loss. I thank them for loving him all these years and giving him an amazing life. We all know the worst part of having them is losing them. I try to remember, a love and loss may be hard but worth every tear than not to have experienced it at all. Rest in Peace Jake.

6/24/23 2 years ago, we had this tiny beagle surrendered to us. She was actually chunky at 14 pounds, so you can imagine just how small she really was. She was so cute, and our first thought was she would be adopted quickly. She was about 9 years of age. But then we saw how she had a plethora of problems.
Starbuck was bred to be a “pocket beagle,” something that really does not exist. Because of this, she had many issues. She was mostly blind and she definitely had some neurological issues. We had a very caring family foster her. I questioned her quality of life. I truly believe she flourished in her forever home. If not for this family, I doubt she would have made it as far as she did. In the short time she was with them, she did learn love and trust. Sadly, her neurological issues started getting worse and worse. Her quality of life was affected. She crossed over the rainbow bridge with her family by her side and knowing she was loved.
Their kind gestures from day one until her end is exactly what rescue is all about. It was not easy for them. Starbuck’s daily struggles were hard on her caretakers and yet they persevered it all for her. I thank them and I am truly sorry for their loss. I know in my heart, she had the best home filled with love. That is all I can ask for. Rest in Peace Starbuck.

6/20/23 10 years ago, I was asked to pull a beagle from the shelter in Pahrump. We welcomed Chance. He, we believe, was a beagle/vizsla. He was slow to trust but once he did, he was all love. Chance found a family of his own. Several years later, after a move, Chance dug out of the yard and was hit by a car. As sad as it was, he survived although ended up losing a leg. His family still loved him and being a tripod did not slow him down at all – this guy could run!
Sadly, he recently hurt his back and was found to have IVDD, which was a devastating diagnosis for this little tripod. The surgery had a poor prognosis and before a decision could be made, it got worse and there was only one decision left. Sadly Chance crossed over the rainbow bridge. He will not be forgotten. He was loved and gave love tenfold. We are so sorry for his family. We know the terrible pain of losing them. We loved Chance. Rest in peace my boy.

6/14/23 – 12 years ago, I was asked to take a couple of beagles from a neighboring shelter. We agreed to and set up transport. The car pulled in and as the beagles got out, all I saw were legs and said, “those aren’t beagles” ha, ha, ha.

6/4/23 Chara came into our rescue a little over one year ago. She was dumped into an Utah shelter in very bad shape. We had many wonderful people help to get her to us where we started working on her care. She was doing great and was ready for a home. We do know that seniors often get looked over. She was one of them, but she was happy in her foster home. Then, she ended up with cancer and was moved to a hospice status. Chara knew no differently and was still happy in her foster home. She often was at the vet for this or that, and recently, her cancer had spread, and the new tumors were causing her a lot of pain. Yesterday, we helped Chara cross over the rainbow bridge. Run free, out of pain, sweet girl. Chara was with us just shy of 15 months and was about 13 yrs of age. She was happy and loved during that time. Rest in peace, Chara

Faith (formerly Sprite)
5/19/23 One year ago, Sprite came into our rescue. She had been transferred to us through our rescue partners who got her medical started as she came into rescue in very rough shape. She was stable and made her way to us. She was a character and we did not really know how old she was. It was clear she had a bad life thus far. But she had spunk. One time, I came up on her and my old lady arguing over a bed. lol. It was a fight of the old ladies. About one month later, she went into her home and was known more by Faith.
I could not have asked for a better place for her. She really opened up and flourished there. In rescue, this is what we always hope for. We were in constant contact with her family and received updates all the time. I loved hearing about her adventures and how well she was doing. She had slight medical in this past year and recovered through surgery.
Unfortunately, Faith suddenly passed away today. We aren’t sure what the root of it was but it really does not matter as the result is the same. She was well loved. She played with her siblings and her humans. We know dogs live in the moment and although some carry some of their trauma with them, most do not live in the past where it was bad. Most live in the present and Faith was happy and loved. What more could we ask for? Time perhaps? Yes, we all want more time, but for those of us that have seen a lot, we know it is always about quality, not quantity. For Faith, she had amazing quality and for that, I am grateful and content with the life she had. Thank you to her family. We are so very sorry for their loss. Rest in Peace over the rainbow bridge.

5/17/23 8 years ago, I pulled a tiny pair of maltese babies out of the shelter. Their life was threatened at the time and we did not want them to be put to sleep. I figured a pair of tiny dogs would not take up much room. Mimi was only 5 lbs. These two were so cute and honestly very easy to care for. I was thankful to get them out of the shelter and let them live a fabulous life. About one month later, the perfect family came along for the bonded pair. This is where the fabulous life really started. They already had an elderly maltese and you could see how caring they were. I had no doubt that this was their family. It was very sad, when I heard last night that little Mimi crossed over the bridge. It is a devastating blow to the family and many of us really know how that is, unfortunately. I am so very sorry for their loss of beautiful Mimi and I thank them for giving her the best loving home all these years. I only wish they could have held onto her longer. Rest in Peace beautiful Mimi, prayers and thoughts to your family.

3/9/23 10 yrs ago, this beautiful blue tick beagle came into our rescue. He was very active and was a puppy and had already gone through 2 homes in just 7 months. When we saw him, instantly a particular family popped into my head. He just looked like he belonged with them and seemed to be their kind of dog. Well, they met him and made him part of the family.
Now, don’t get me wrong. He was not this easy dog. He was a strong willed beagle, but Augie Doggie fit right in and this would be his final home. We were so happy for him and we got to see him often. Everyone loved Augie! He made friends wherever he went and he often went to mom’s work. He loved chasing rabbits and loved being with his family. Unfortunately, Augie ended up with cancer that moved through him quickly and he passed over the rainbow bridge. We are so sorry for his family’s loss. But we are grateful for the years he had with them and for seeing him through and loving him with all his faults. Rest in Peace Augie….chase the bunnies over the rainbow bridge.

5/5/23 Griffin came to us from the South. He was such a sweet boy and found a home. They truly loved him so much and it was a sudden shock went he ended up with stomach cancer and passed quickly. We are grateful for the time he was with his family. We know he was loved and we truly believe it is about quality and not quantity. We are so sorry to his family, who are feeling the tremendous loss. Rest in Peace Griffin.

DJ (formerly Hugs)
4/24/23 We are in utter shock to hear of the passing of our alumni Hugs. Hugs came into rescue and was terrified of life. He was a big boy and he slowly started coming around in his foster home. His foster family believed he was quite young…. probably around 1 year of age. He certainly acted like it! When no one was around and he did not have to be afraid, he got to work looking for food in microwaves and bread boxes…. This big boy was a riot! (Well….maybe not to his foster 😅)
💕 Hugs was adopted and became DJ. He was in the vet just recently and although they felt his heart was slightly enlarged, they felt he was stable and fine. Unfortunately, only one year after they adopted the young DJ, he passed away. It is a painful reminder that it is out of our hands. We are so sorry for his family’s loss and are grateful for the love they provided him. Rest in Peace DJ.

4/20/23 6 years ago this month, a special group of girls came to us. They spent their entire lives in a research facility. From when they were babies, all they knew was unkind humans who experimented on them. Can you imagine babies being born in such a horrific environment? Being forced to endure cruel experimentations and being forced to produce more dogs to undergo such atrocities. It is a horrible existence. Most research dogs get released after they are finished with them and either disposed of or discharged to other facilities.
We were asked to take a group of them and gladly stepped up. Charity was among them and was about 7 or 8 years old at the time. She was terrified of the world she had never known. She never walked on grass or had human love. No toys, no playing, no sunshine, no anything.
These dogs usually take time to learn trust. Charity especially had issues likely from being used as a tool, that caused many digestion and gastric issues. Her family took her and loved her and worked wonders with her where others would have given up long ago. She was so loved and we knew how special her relationship was to her mommy and to her brother (also an alumni), who helped her learn to be in a family.
Unfortunately, she passed suddenly and unexpectedly and her family had their hearts ripped out. We are eternally grateful for the love they poured into this girl who flourished under their care. We are so sorry they lost sweet Charity and she will be greatly missed. She was a special lady. Rest in peace, run free over the rainbow bridge Charity! 💕

3/31/23 Very sad news….we suddenly lost Dill. Dill was surrendered to us when members of the family tried to get in his face and he nipped them.
He had beautiful blue fawn coloring. Dill was a great dog, he was super friendly and active. He loved his beagles. He always seemed to know when he was coming to Beagletopia and he definitely gravitated towards his breed and extended family. He had the love of his family, who saw him and made him part of their family right away. He was the supervisor in his household and made sure everyone knew it, but of course, they already knew this and gladly accepted it. He had many adventures and was such a happy guy. Dill was about 12 years old now and no one would ever have known that. His sister joined him earlier this year and although she was considerably younger than him, they were two peas in a pod. They had the same thin body type and same playful energy. They had so much fun wrestling and zooming around.
His family took him into the vet when they felt something was wrong and he was distended. The vet assured them, everything was fine and bloodwork looked great. Now, I say this because I am upset about it. You know your dogs better than anyone as you spend all the time with them. You know when something is wrong. Please persist and make your vet know they need to not dismiss your concerns. A few weeks later, they brought him in again as now he was not only distended but not acting like himself. It was their worst fears…Cancer. And now surgery was off the table because it was already rupturing and now he only had days. I am devastated they lost their beautiful Dill. We all loved him and we are so sorry for his family’s loss. Dill had an amazing energy and was fun to be around. We know they are hurting, but we hope their memories can help comfort them in time. Rest in Peace Dilly.

Stella (previously Twinkie)

8 to 9 years ago, I took in a pair of brothers. They were purchased and after several years, they were surrendered. It seems the brothers were never allowed inside. Anyway, they were adopted and shortly after the owners went on a trip and asked us to watch them. They never came back. Wow! Failed twice already.
But then the most amazing woman came along for both brothers. She loved them. Sherlock crossed over the bridge last year so Watson has been on his own. Unfortunately, Watson just crossed over the rainbow bridge. He was surrounded by a fierce love and we are devastated for his mommy’s loss. We loved both boys and often babysat them. They were characters! Watson will now join his brother. They will be missed. Rest in peace, Watson.

3/8/23 A rural shelter in Utah contacted us about an old senior dog, who was maybe 15 years old, and brought in as a stray. They felt he was blind and deaf and in poor shape. I immediately said yes. We had some amazing supporters that jumped in to transport him and get him to us. I named him Flynn (a family name actually).
Flynn was in poor shape. He was emaciated and had lumps, some that opened up and bled all over. I instantly loved him. There is something about a dog in such need that calls me. Turns out, Flynn had two different cancers. He was not a surgery candidate since he was anemic, dehydrated, in renal failure, AND had pancreatitis. The list goes on, he has muscle loss, which they believe from being confined. Well, we know whoever had him was a piece of s**t, because there is no way he just got in this condition and someone was actually caring for him. Someone used him and discarded him like trash. How disgraceful!
I poured all my love into him. He was worth more than how he was treated. Flynn got to eat whatever he wanted. He started with rotisserie chickens and then after two, lost interest. He moved onto cheese subs (I shared mine with him when he first showed interest), then cheeseburgers. After a while, he did not want the bun. He loved cheese and the burger and also bacon. Better if he got them all together which he often did. Burger King sure liked us as we were one of their best customers. Flynn got around amazingly well. He also could hear and see a smidge and would respond to me and look for me. He rarely barked and only seemed to when he bayed for me. I never minded and often picked him up for cuddles regardless if I was working or not. He always crumpled into me and I was happy to see he was getting the love he always deserved and he responded to it. He craved it. We knew it was only a matter of time since he was in such poor shape. 41 days later, Flynn crossed over the rainbow bridge while I held him tightly in my arms and told him he was loved and I would need him to meet me when it is my time and I would see him again… I asked Flynn to find Clarence and thank him for me, for bringing you to me. He was therapeutic for me as I was for him. Run free Flynn, I love you. Rest in peace my boy. 💕

2/24/23 We just found out one of our babies crossed over the rainbow bridge. Raindrop came into our rescue last May and was adopted several months later. Unfortunately her family did not have her long at all. They took her in thinking they might want to do a dental on her and found she was in renal failure. She went downhill fast and crossed over. We were so sorry to hear of their painful loss but appreciate the love they gave her even if just for a short time. We know she was loved and we wish we could predict these events. Rest in peace precious girl. Thank you to everyone that gave you love this past year from rescue to forever home. We wish it was longer. Rest in Peace Raindrop. 🐾 💕

Joey (formerly Evan)
2/21/23 Evan came into our rescue in May of last year and one and half months later, he was adopted and became Joey. He was such an easy going guy. Joey had a slight murmur when he entered the rescue but it was not one even requiring medicine and he never had heartworms. We thought all was fine, but he recently went in to the vet for a sprain and she noticed his murmur had increased significantly and took x-rays.
It confirmed that Joey’s heart was enlarged and his outlook did not look good. Unfortunately only two weeks later, Joey had a heart attack and passed away. It really hits you again that none of us know how much time we have. Any of us can go at any time. We are so very sorry for his family’s loss. This was a devastating blow that some of us know all too well. We want to thank them for pouring all the love into him. He will be missed. Rest in Peace Joey.
2/6/23 Oakley came to us during the pandemic. He found his home and has been with one of our regular fosters, welcoming other dogs in and showing them the way. Unfortunately, Oakley crossed over the rainbow bridge, leaving his family broken-hearted. We were terribly sorry to hear of this loss and want to thank his family for loving him.

2/6/23 11 years ago, we met Bella. She was originally born in Germany and found her way to the United States through a military family. The family was forced to give her up when the base would not allow all the dogs.
As it turned out, she became part of another military family and has remained part of that family for the last 11 years until she recently crossed over the rainbow bridge at age 16. We are so sorry for her family’s loss but are so glad she had the love of her family all these years. Rest in peace Bella.

2/2/23 Ravioli came to our rescue during the pandemic. He found his dad right away and was pretty happy. Unfortunately his dad passed away at the beginning of this year due to cancer. Ravioli came back to the rescue. He was so happy with his dad, that we knew this would be a change.
Because his dad was sick, Ravioli was not getting the care he needed. We believed they missed a diagnosis. We proceeded with getting him back to health. We got him surgery for his teeth and a growth and had all the testing done and found out, he has Cushings. The Cushing medicine was ordered and he was cleared and ready to find his new home. We were thrilled to see a past adopter wanted to adopt him!
Unfortunately, just 3 days before he was to go to his new home, he passed away in one of his beds at home at Beagletopia. We were shocked. Ravioli was a good boy and we had high hopes for him, but in the end, we feel he might have passed from a broken heart. Now Ravioli joins his dad. We just never know the time any of us are given. Rest in peace over the rainbow bridge Ravioli.

Shelby (formerly Galway)

1/18/23 We pulled Denver out of the shelter 5 years ago. The shelter said he had to come with this little old chihuahua. So we took them both. We found out rather quickly, they were not bonded and barely seemed to know each other. So we were able to adopt them out separately.
Denver went to a lovely couple who adored him. They made him part of the family from the get go, had a wedding he was part of, and the adventure just continued from there.
We were so sorry to hear of the loss of Denver. Many of us have gone through this devastating loss before. It never gets easier. We always hope the memories turn to comfort. Thank you for loving Denver and giving him the home he most certainly deserved. Rest in peace Denver.

1/10/23 We received more sad news. Argos came into our rescue as a young pup many years ago. He was adopted 12 years ago and has suddenly crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are so saddened to hear of this loss but are very happy that he had a loving home where he was a good boy all these years. We send our condolences to his family as they feel this tremendous loss. Rest in peace Argos.

1/9/23 Desire came into our rescue in the beginning of 2021. She found her home with a past adopter and we knew her life would forever be better and she would be loved. She was overweight at the time but she dropped that with her new family. Unfortunately, Desi was lost suddenly when her spleen ruptured. We know how painful loss is and when it catches you off guard, it is like a punch in the gut. We are happy that Desi had the home she had and received the love she did. We are terribly sorry for her mommy’s loss. Rest in Peace Desi, we will see you at the rainbow bridge.

12/29/22 When this guy came to us, he was a hot mess. Pomeranians are mostly fluff so we named him Nugget. Nugget had health issues: an enlarged heart, collapsing trachea, and focal seizures. But he was a happy guy and landed himself in a forever home with a loving pomeranian family. We were thrilled he was with someone that could love him, issues and all and also someone that understood the breed. They loved Nugget so much and it was very sad to hear of his passing. We are forever grateful for the home he was given and the care he received. We also are very sorry for their loss of beautiful Nugget. Rest in Peace Nugget.

Henry (formerly Hendrix)
12/29/22 This happy boy came to us many years ago. I believe it was 8 years or so ago. We named him Hendrix. He was a fun guy! He found his home, forevermore was known as Henry and he has been loved for all these years. As his family said, “I figured we walked over 5,000 miles over 8 and a half years. He was such a joy to us.” We are so sorry for their loss of Henry. We all know, it is the most hardest part of having them. Letting go can be painful, but we must remember how fulfilled our lives are and how they enriched them so… Rest in Peace Henry.

Buddy (formerly Barbosa)
12/26/22 We lost another alumni Barbosa, who was just shy of 5 years old. We took Barbosa in when someone was desperate to find a spot for him. We were told he was emaciated and was living with people on the street. Turns out he was doing pretty good and was not emaciated and found his home rather quickly. His dad loved him and he instantly became Buddy. He had yorkie siblings and loved his little brother and helped him ease into life. Unfortunately this morning, unexpectedly, Buddy passed away. We are saddened for his family. He was such a happy and loving guy and he will be missed. We want to thank his family for giving him the love he deserved and took great care of him these past years. Rest in Peace Buddy, until we meet again.

12/19/22 Honey came to us 8 years ago. She was a sweet girl who found her forever home rather quickly. She went to a past adopter and became part of a family. Unfortunately, at the age of 16, Honey declined and has now crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are so saddened to hear of this loss but we are forever grateful to her family for giving her all the love she greatly deserved. Rest in peace Honey.

Maggie (previously Jovie)
11/14/22 It is with a heavy heart that we pass on the news. One of our alumni crossed over the rainbow bridge this weekend. Maggie (previously Jovie) came into the rescue just shy of 4 years ago. She was pulled out of our local shelter where her life was in danger. She was found as a stray and no one came for her. She was a young girl and instantly found her family.
Maggie has been to Beagletopia many times. She loved people and especially her own family. They fell hard when they adopted her and did everything for her they could. Maggie was quite the fashionista and was always showing off a new outfit. Sadly, Maggie suddenly became ill with heart issues. They believed she was stable and doing better when this weekend, she took an unexpected turn for the worse. Maggie was only 5 years of age, but in the short time she was adopted, she gave endless amounts of love and truly had a family of her own. We are so saddened by her loss. She had a huge impact on many lives. We are grateful to her family for giving her the home she deserved and spoiling her these years but we are also hurting for them as we know the pain this has caused. Rest in Peace Maggie.

11/4/22 Basho was a hound mix that came from hard beginnings but made his way here and into a loving home. We are so grateful he had this home where he finally got to experience love and to know what is was to be a dog. He also got to know the love of canine siblings!! We are so sorry his family is now undergoing this incredible pain. Unfortunately, Basho came down with a tic borne disease that he could not recover from and passed peacefully in his sleep. Rest in Peace big boy, you will be missed. 💕

11/2/22 Five years ago, this lovely boy came to us from a shelter. Jet was a great dog and loved life. He found his home where his mommy has loved him all these years. Jet crossed over the rainbow bridge peacefully this morning in his loving home. We are grateful that he had the home he deserved and was loved and happy all these years! He loved his walks. He was about 13 years old. Rest in Peace Jet!!

11/2/22 Four years ago, we took this sweet puggle in. Marlow was an excellent dog and turned into an easy foster because of that. Well, she found the perfect home that fit her. She had a mom that loved her and a puggle as a brother as well! Marlow had a good time living in her home and being spoiled. Unfortunately Marlow started declining and seizing. Her mommy told me adopting her was a great gift! We are so grateful that she was! Rest in Peace Marlow girl!
10/2022 Our beautiful blue tick beagle lost her life this week and went over the rainbow bridge. Her life did not start out too well and we had a lot brighter hope for her future than the reality of it.
She was a throw away from a hunter. Destiny was young at 10 months of age. She made a terrible hunting dog and her owner, a hunter, had had it. He threw her into the back of a pickup truck to get rid of her. Our rescue partners in Mississippi jumped in and saved her. She was a baby and terrified! What’s worse, she had heartworms. She went through treatment and barely moved out of one spot all day and all night.
She then made the journey to us. I have a soft spot for the scared ones. I so wanted to help her. But help her, I could not. It was too overwhelming at Beagletopia. She made zero progress under my care. It hurt me to see her so scared. Destiny was by far the most feral dog we have ever had in over 15 years in rescue. She had zero skills to deal with humans, to deal with a home, or to deal with everything new. It hurt to admit, I was not going to be able to help her but I knew who possibly could.
I reached out to one of my fosters that had a special skill set in dealing with the extremely shut down dogs. She was calm and had a calm home. She had brought many skittish dogs back to life and trust. If anyone could help Destiny, she could.
I knew what a challenge this was. I could not even get near Destiny unless forced and then she would defecate and urinate all over me and whatever was around. When we finished up her heartworm treatment and finalized with the final test, it still showed positive, so we had to extend treatment. Unfortunately, that kept happening. Her having to still deal with treatment was delaying her progress emotionally. But what could we do, we had to treat the heartworms.
She was making progress though. I was thrilled. It was baby steps but it was moving in the right direction. I could start to see a light. Over the course of many months, Destiny improved a tiny bit. Although it took one year, she also finally was negative for heartworms. It seemed like all was as it should be and we were doing pretty good.
Destiny was able to be brought in public out of her comfort zone even if she held it against foster mommy for a short time and inch her forward even more. Finally we felt she was at a point where she could go to training to build confidence. Mind you, she was still very afraid, but from where she had started, it was an amazing amount of success so far. We enrolled her in a program.
The week when she went to training, a horrific accident happened. Destiny ended up loose at the facility. Inside their contained facility fencing, she found a gap and went under the fence. She ran down the small road and entered a busy street where she was hit by a car and killed.
As you can imagine, as horrified as you are reading it, living it and being notified of it, was incredibly painful for us all. We are so sorry she never got her happy ending. I am grateful to the foster that taught Destiny about love and what a home could look like. Destiny would give her foster mommy kisses and ask her for pets. Thank you for giving her the love she needed to start to heal. I am so glad she trusted you enough to accept your love. I concentrate on that instead of the tragedy. Rest in peace and unafraid over the rainbow bridge Destiny.

Butters (formerly Buddy Bear)
11/2022 8 years ago, this little beagle Buddy Bear came to us after his owner passed and his family did not want him. He was afraid of some things and was about 8 years old. He found the most wonderful home for him with a past adopter. He became Butters and loved his family and really enjoyed life. He helped many beagles pass through his home and helped senior Sharkey, who came into the rescue and is being forever fostered. We thank his family for providing him love all these years and giving him a real home full of love. He will be missed. Rest in Peace Butters.
Wiggles (formerly Calypso)
11/2022 3 and a half years ago, this red beagle was found on the streets abandoned and neglected. She had multiple medical issues needing to be addressed including a tumor hanging off of her chest that was huge. We got Calypso fixed up. Our little food hound found her forever home and has been living as Wiggles ever since.
We could not have asked for a better home. Sadly, Wiggles was recently found to have cancer pretty much everywhere. She declined rapidly and after letting her family know she was ready, she peacefully crossed in their loving arms. Rest in Peace Wiggles.

Juls (formerly PomPom)
9/26/22 6 years ago, we took in this cute little Pomeranian who was abandoned and one of our volunteers named her PomPom. She was pretty cute and rivaled the beagles for food. As it happened, someone was visiting one of our volunteers from out of town and met her. She returned home and within two weeks she was back to pick up Juls (her now new name).
Juls became a princess in her forever home and I have no doubt how much
she was loved and cared for and knew it. That is the one thing I strive for and am comforted when I know it has happened. Unfortunately, out of no where Juls became suddenly ill. She was brought in for urgent care and they found devastating news. She could not be saved. She was struggling to breathe and her lung could not be repaired. A catastrophic blow. We are all so very sorry to her family for the loss of their precious girl. We thank them for loving her and holding her close to their heart. Rest in peace Juls.


9/13/22 Sad news as our alumni Dollie crosses the rainbow bridge. Dollie came into our rescue in 2012 and was adopted. 7 years later after many children, the family did not feel they could care for her and returned her.
Luckily, she found herself a wonderful caring loving home that loved her. Unfortunately, she recently had a terrible bout of pancreatitis and crossed over. We are so sorry for their loss and to have lost her. Dollie will be missed. We are so grateful for all the love they gave her and for the family that cared.

9/6/22 Opie came into our rescue 2 years ago. He was a mellow easy going guy. He found his forever home but after just two short years, he crossed over the rainbow bridge. He had significant damage from having heartworms in the past and it caught up to him and his body could no longer go on. We are so saddened to hear of his passing. Rest in peace Opie. I hope your short time in a loving home, made up for all the bad stuff.

Cindy (formerly Sienna)
8/19/22 About 4 years ago, we were asked to take in this poodle. We have relatively good success with this breed. We could not have been prepared for what we saw. This dog was so severely matted and neglected that she was also terrified of people. She ended up not being an easy dog to place.
We did however, find the perfect home for her. Sienna became Cindy and lived the high life with her new family. They loved her so much and her short beginnings turned into a fulfilled life. It is why we do what we do. For these poor souls to only know ugliness to then have their life turned around and to experience the love they all deserve, it truly means the world to us. We are so sorry for her parents that truly loved her. We thank them for giving her the home and love she desperately needed and we wish we could take their pain away. Rest in Peace Sienna Cindy… You will not be forgotten.

8/16/22 A few years ago, we pulled a beagle out of the shelter. She came in as a stray and was aged at 15 yrs. She was clearly blind. We noticed right away how bulged one of her eyes was. We got her set up and found out she was blind and had glaucoma. At this point, we removed the eye.
Shayla was such a happy and active girl and we soon realized she was not 15 at all. We had an applicant who was interested in adopting a puppy. She came to the rescue many times to meet different puppies and each time, she had another connection with Shayla. She soon realized that she and Shayla were meant to be together. She adopted Shayla and put the puppy crave on hold. Shayla had a zest for life and did marvelous in her forever home. She loved everyone and never let her blindness dictate her. Sadly, she was slowly declining of late and then had a stroke. She now crosses over the rainbow bridge. Rest in Peace Shayla.


8/5/22 – 8 years ago in 2014, I saw a post that a fellow rescuer posted of a little blind dog at the shelter. Her life was in danger and she would be euthanized for being blind. We had just started taking “littles” in 6 months previously. I have had plenty of blind dogs, so why not. We pulled her out of the shelter and met her “Larger than Life” personality. Precious was an exceptional blind dog. She was born blind. She was so loving and playful. We tried to adopt her out but she was returned after she went in the house (within the first 48 hrs). We knew Precious knew the dog door but also knew how lazy she could be. She also marked even though people tell me females do not mark – lol. She was a famous marker, lol!
Precious stayed with me at Beagletopia the rest of her life. She was one of our resident Littles and everyone got to know her and love her. Precious has helped many dogs who have come through the rescue. She met people with happiness and a smile and always made people feel better. Often I would reach over in bed and touch her soft fur to comfort me. Yesterday, Precious had a phenomenal day. She ate (even though she was not a beagle, she definitely was trained by them regarding food) and played. Then suddenly she had a seizure and she lost consciousness and stopped breathing. This actually happened once before a few years ago. She came out of it but instantly fell back into another one and we were off the the vet. I cradled her in my arms and she left this earth before we even got to the vet.
I am in shock. My beautiful girl….she will forever be missed. I am heartbroken that she left me but so happy she was not in pain and had a great morning and was happy. It is bittersweet that she touched so many lives and taught so many about “littles” and blind dogs. I often was asked throughout her life, “if she was really blind.” She truly was but she was a warrior and she never let that prevent her from anything. I am grateful for the love she received throughout her life here at Beagletopia. Her sister Piper and Onyx will truly miss her as well as Chain, who was the last one to play with her. Rest in peace my baby girl… Please meet me at the bridge.

7/30/22 10 years ago, we pulled a beagle out of our local shelter who was going to be put down for ear infections. Max found his home and for the next 10 years has been a wonderful companion. He had canine siblings and even had a baby human sister. Unfortunately last year he started having some heart problems. He managed to get through that and keep going but now he crossed over the rainbow bridge peacefully in his sleep. We are so sorry for his family’s loss and appreciate all the love they gave him.

Maisy (formerly August)
7/29/22 A little more than 5 years ago, we were contacted to help with 40 research dogs that were released from a laboratory. At the time, we could not take all 40 but asked our fellow beagle rescues to assist. We ended up with 12. Among them was a beagle named August. Now these beagles were like all the videos you see where they are touching grass for the first time. These were not normal dogs. They had no idea how to be a dog, especially the older ones who spent their entire life in a cage being tested on and bred over and over. They had trust issues and why wouldn’t they?
August ended up being adopted and started her new life as Maisy! Maisy had many “firsts.” For us seeing the pain they were in and what they went through, every first touched our hearts. Maisy was 14 when her body could not go on anymore. She will be greatly missed. Rest in Peace Maisy girl until we meet again.

Tuchanka (formerly Farley)
7/24/22 Unfortunately we lost another alumni… Tuchanka (previously Farley) crossed over the rainbow bridge… this happy guy came to us a little over 6 years ago. Ten days later, he was officially in his forever home. His family saw him and had an instant connection. He was top dog in his family and he saw many foster dogs come through and helped them to their families. He was such a happy guy and we had the pleasure of watching him many times when his family was out of town. We are saddened by his loss and we send our sincere condolences to his family. We thank them for opening their hearts up to him and loving him all these years. Rest in peace Tuchanka.

7/22/22 We received some very sad news. One of our alumni has crossed the rainbow bridge. 10 years ago we took in this little adorable beagle. We called her Fergie. It did not take long at all for her to find her family and she became Abby!! Abby lived a phenomenal life with a family that truly loved her. They have adopted several more. We were so saddened to hear of her passing after being in renal failure. But we are grateful because we know how much love she truly received all these years. We truly had found the best home for her. Rest in peace Abby!

Ladybug (formerly York & Lady York 💕)
6/27/22 We received some sad news today… One of our alumni became an angel. She went through several name changes. She started with us as York (after the candy). She was a tripod that had such strength and was so happy that she was affectionately renamed Lady York. We were thrilled when someone we knew to be more than kind and who went above and beyond for her furry family members wanted to adopt Lady York. She moved into her forever home so easily and became Ladybug. She had many family members and truly enjoyed life. Recently she started to struggle more and her family decided to get her some wheels. Sadly, she crossed over the bridge before the wheels got here. We are saddened to hear of her passing. They think she had brain cancer. She will be greatly missed and she touched many lives. Fly free Lady, until we all meet again.

Sherlock (previously Scotty)
6/15/22 7 years ago we took in some sibling beagles. They had been together their whole life and were bonded. They got adopted together and became Sherlock & Watson. We had many adventures with them over the years as we watched them at the SNBRF often.

Sherlock (previously Scotty) ended up with renal failure and really declined within this last week. Unfortunately Sherlock needed to cross the rainbow bridge. He stopped by Beagletopia to say good-bye and I could see he needed to be at peace. I will think of him and remember all the times he tried to catch the critters at Beagletopia. He even almost got a bunny! (thankfully not). It would make me smile and chuckle to see his beagle antics. I will miss him and I know this huge loss will have an impact on his mom and his brother. We are so sorry for their loss and are grateful for the love and family he got all these years. Sherlock was 15. Rest in Peace Sherlock, you will be missed.

6/10/22 8 years ago, I saw this little guy in the shelter who was to be euthanized for upper respiratory. He instantly tugged at me as he reminded me of our first little we saved. URI is very treatable. So we pulled him out of the shelter. He went into foster care and it did not take long for them to fall in love with him.

5/16/22 Mars was a senior guy we spotted in our local shelter. He had some issues but fixable. The shelter adopted him out and did not fix anything. We were surprised when our little guy showed up at the shelter one month later with all the same issues. We pulled him out. We attended to his eye which had an infection because no one gave him drops for dry eye. He also had an infection along the bone in his mouth. So painful. We took care of Mars.
We speculated time and again if he had been a show dog previously. His hair was like silk and he had a prance in his walk. Mars got healthy and certainly was happy. He was under the care of our eye doctor. As time passed and his eyesight diminished, we found he did not do well with any type of change at all. We decided then, he would be a forever foster. We noticed in the last 2 months, he was declining and now had dementia. We gave him meds and hoped for the best. This past week, we made the difficult decision to let this baby go home to heaven. We were glad we helped Mars and gave him a peaceful and happy pain free end of life. We want to Thank his foster family for giving him all the love he needed and deserved. Rest in Peace Mars.

5/16/22 Sinbad came into our rescue 11 years ago. We pulled him out of the shelter. He had an upper respiratory infection and I remember him blowing green boogers all over my chair. LOL. This baby was so sweet and found his family. He was cared for and loved all these years. We are grateful for that. Unfortunately Sinbad crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are so sorry for his family’s loss. We know how deep the pain cuts. Rest in Peace Sinbad.

5/6/22 We just heard one of our precious alumni crossed over the rainbow bridge. We were so sorry to hear of Jazzy’s passing. This fun loving, full figured girl was adorable and such a good girl. Her family only had her 3 years but we are grateful for the love they poured into her during this time. She landed in the perfect home for her and we are thrilled she had the life she had. Rest in peace Jazzy girl.

Kenley (formerly Alda Mae)
5/2/22 We received some sad news today. Alda Mae came into the rescue 4 years
ago. She found her home and has been living as Kenley. We are so grateful for the love Kenley has received and the family that made her theirs. Unfortunately Kenley recently got sick and as much as everyone tried, she did not improve and crossed over the rainbow bridge. I know her family will miss her greatly. Rest in Peace Kenley.

4/27/22 8 years ago this little beagle came into our rescue. He stole the hearts right away and found his forever home. That family then adopted a pair of sisters. Unfortunately his sisters already crossed over the rainbow bridge. Now Havoc joins them. We were so sorry to hear of Havoc’s passing. We are so thankful to his family for loving all of them all these years. We know how much this hurts and we send out our sincerest condolences. Rest in Peace Havoc.

4/13/22 It is with a heavy heart that I bring you more bad news. Another alumni has crossed over the rainbow bridge. Aspen is a beautiful girl who found herself abandoned and on her own. She found her way to us and about a month later found her forever home.
She has been with them for the last 7 years. I believe she was about 15 years of age. We are so sorry for her family’s loss. We thank them for giving her a final forever home filled with love and we hope her beagle sister, who is also an alumni, will cherish the love of her family to bring her through this with them. Rest in Peace Aspen.

Ralphie (formerly Murdock)
4/11/22 – 5 years ago, we pulled this guy out of the shelter. He had a host of issues, but he was so goofy and loving. He and another got adopted together. They lived part of their life in Idaho and then in Kentucky. Yogi had passed previously, but Murdock, who was now going by Ralphie, has now crossed over the rainbow bridge.
Ralphie hung out with the horses in Kentucky and had a good life. He was loved and cared for and that is all we can ask for. We know how much he will be missed and we thank his family for seeing him through. Rest in Peace Ralphie.



Zora (formerly Gail)
3/1/22 Gail came into our rescue in December of 2020. She had been treated for heartworm through our rescue partners. She likely was confined and used for breeding and hunting. She started feeling better and bam, exploded into a lively girl in her foster home. She ended up being diagnosed with a very rare heart condition that should have killed her years previously. That just showed what a little fighter our girl was. She adjusted well and stabilized in foster care.
Her mommy who had originally met her pulling her off transport, adopted her knowing she had some medical issues. She still was full of life and was now enjoying it, likely for the first time ever in her life. She lived with her beagle siblings and was doing great. Until she wasn’t. She started to get sick regularly and even though her food was home cooked, it did not seem to matter. Lots of tests were run and then exploratory surgery where it was found she was completely full of cancer. We had so much more hope for Zora. We wanted so much more. We are so sorry that she crossed over the rainbow bridge. We wanted more for her and her family.
Unfortunately, we know that nothing is a guarantee and we have been through this before. Sometimes life is not fair. Sometimes we lose them anyway. Sometimes we are left speechless. Sometimes we do not know what happened or how that happened so quickly. Sometimes we have questions and no answers. What we do know is that we have only wanted the best for our dogs and although we always hope and want more time, sometimes it is not in our hands and not our choice and we lose them anyway. We are thankful Zora had a family that loved her and got to live her best life even though we feel we did not have her nearly long enough. Rest in Peace Zora, until we meet again. We will watch over mommy.


2/3/22 10 years ago, we took a beagle in from a neighboring state shelter. He was about 5 years old at the time. It took his foster family just a short time to realize Rusty was home. He was adopted by them.
He lived many years with them and then moved across the pond with them to the UK. He remained part of the family still and through two kids as the family grew. Rusty remained until recently when he declined from cancer and passed over the rainbow bridge. We are so sad to hear of his passing. We are so grateful to the family that loved him and made him their own and kept him with the family even through a huge move. Rest in Peace Rusty.

1/25/22 9 years ago we took in a little beagle named Riley. At the time he was about 6 years old and was coming in from an owner. Riley was almost blind and had issues with depth perception. He found his home rather quickly and although touch and go at first, they stuck through it and this is where he remained. He did become totally blind but he got around just fine. He moved many times with the family. Unfortunately Riley recently passed away. We are sorry to hear of his loss and wish him some glorious sights over the rainbow bridge. Rest in peace Riley.

Theodore (Teddy)
1/18/22 Almost 9 years ago, two dogs came into the rescue (brothers we believed). They had been abandoned in someone else’s yard and that person sought out help and we stepped in. We originally thought they might need to go together but actually, they were quite independent.

1/6/22 We took Casey in with another beagle as a binder pair 7 years ago. She found the most wonderful home with several of our other beagles. Unfortunately, she crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. We are so sorry for her family’s loss. Rest in peace Casey, join your brother and run free.
💕 Tribute from Casey’s Mom: Casey was one of 4 adult Beagles which we adopted together over 7 years ago at the Southern Nevada Beagle Rescue. Due to old age/illness, we lost Casey’s brother Bailey, then Bo, and then Honey Girl. Our hearts were broken in a million pieces as each passed over the Rainbow Bridge. We were still so blessed to have our Casey girl. Even at 15 years of age, she was quite healthy and spry, so much, that we adopted a younger Beagle “Jameson” last March to keep her company. After some recent blood work and X-rays, we learned that Casey had a slight heart murmur and slight heart enlargement, but nothing to be alarmed about. We were grateful for this. Sadly and very unexpected, as Casey was coming into the house after her last potty of the night on Monday, January 3, she lied down on her doggy bed and peacefully passed with us embracing her. Our hearts are once again broken in a million tiny pieces. Rest well our baby girl, until we are united again in paradise.

Maggie (formerly Aggie)
12/31/21 In July, we were asked to help with a beagle in Mexico. She had a horrible life there being used for breeding. Of course we helped. We started on her vetting there with some surgeries. We finished up her vetting here with more. We were excited to give her the opportunity for a new home and glad we could change her life for the better.
Aggie did find her home 5 months later. We know these last months were her best months and she was loved both in her foster home and forever home. She became Maggie in her forever home. Unfortunately only 3 weeks later, she was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. We were devastated to hear this news. This is never the outcome we want. Maggie was young at only 5 years of age. Being in rescue as long as we have been, we know dogs can go at any age. There are no guarantees in life but we hate to see this. We wanted so much more for her. We are very sorry to Aggie/Maggie and to her family that grabbed on tight and had a tremendous blow. Rest in Peace over the rainbow bridge girl. This one picture of her upside down is one of my favorites.

Stanley (formerly Eggroll)
12/14/21 A little over 5 years ago, we took in this beautiful red beagle. He was fun and we named him Eggroll. He found a wonderful home and became Stanley. He provided much joy for his family. We were so saddened to hear of his recent passing. I know the family is devastated as well. We are truly sorry for their loss. We want to thank them for loving him and giving him a home all these years where he was loved. Rest in Peace Stanley, until we meet again.

Kozmo (formerly Baloney)
12/1/21 – A few years ago, we were involved with helping 150 beagles in a hoarding/hunting case. Many rescues were involved and we took several of the dogs. At the time, we named this guy Baloney. He found himself a wonderful home with another alumni and was happy and loved. He forever more became known as Kozmo. We are certain the love he shared made up for all those years of a horrible life. Unfortunately Kozmo became suddenly ill and crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are so very sorry for his family who is feeling this incredible loss. We also are very grateful to them for the life they provided Kozmo. Rest in Peace.

11/23/21 8 yrs ago, a beautiful blue fawn beagle came into our rescue. He was found left behind in a home that was foreclosed upon and he was barely alive weighing only 12 pounds. He was nursed back and surprisingly in fairly good health. Cody was able to find a home with a family that was dedicated to loving him and making sure he was never abandoned again. They sadly had to say goodbye this past weekend. I know that they are crushed. We so appreciate all the love and care they gave Cody and are so sorry for their loss. We thank them for all they did for him. May his memories help ease the pain. Rest n Peace Cody.

11/16/21 Harley came to us a few years ago as an owner surrender. As many Shih Tzu do, Harley looked like a cute little ewok. He loved to play with his ball. He also loved to hang out and be wherever you were. He was adopted and had a wonderful loving home. Unfortunately Harley passed away and they think it was his heart. We are so saddened to hear of his passing. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. Rest in Peace Harley.

Hank (formerly Einstein)

Gillie (formerly Millie)
10/11/21 – About 6-7 yrs ago, a beagle was surrendered into our rescue. She had severe eye issues and untreated dry eye. A couple that had adopted from us before and had lost their fur baby a couple of months ago, came to visit. They saw Millie and it was almost instant love. A few days later, Millie went to be “fostered” by the couple. The rest is history…. Millie became Gillie and she had the best life and finally got the attention and care she desperately needed and certainly deserved. She made it to about 16 yrs of age and really started struggling. Gillie crossed over the rainbow bridge and we are grateful that she had the life she did for her final years. Rest in Peace Gillie..

10/3/21 About 5 years ago, we took in a dog whose owner was declining. Cowboy was a nice dog but had some neglect but we got him on track and he found the most wonderful home in just a few months. He was around 10 years old at the time. He has now been in his forever home for the last 5 years and also had a beagle sibling, also an alumni. Unfortunately, they lost him unexpectedly after a bout of pneumonia earlier in the month. We were so sorry to hear this. We are grateful for all the love and support they gave him these past years. We could not have found a better spot for him and he will be greatly missed. Rest in Peace Cowboy.

4/27/21 – Lambchop started her journey in Mississippi with our partners, Coco’s House Senior Sanctuary and Rescue. They pulled her out of the shelter and started working on her medical and treating the heartworms. She then made her journey here to us. Lambchop was such a sweet girl and really not that old, maybe 8. But her life was not nice or sweet and her body was not cared for. She was very frail and although we were working on her medical, she was declining rapidly. She just hadn’t entered rescue soon enough.
We tried, all of us, to get her healthy. Earlier in the week, she was moved to a hospice level as her health was not improving and her lungs were so damaged. We were trying to keep her comfortable. Unfortunately that did not last long, she could not be comforted and we helped her cross over the rainbow bridge. We are truly sorry and absolutely hate this outcome. We showered her with all the kindness we could muster so that she knew some love in her short life. We are so sorry Lambchop. Rest in peace our little love.

9/26/21 – Around 8 years or so ago, a beagle came into our rescue. He was used to a life living outdoors without love. Snoopy not only wanted love but definitely deserved it. Luckily we had a beagle person we knew that decided he would foster him.
The rest is history. He fell for Snoopy pretty quickly and gave him a family and a forever home. He started his new life and adventures at the age of 8. He had beagle siblings and a dad that loved him. He moved to California and remained happy. Snoopy at age 16 suddenly had a seizure. He was rushed to the ER and evaluated. His dad took him home that night to be with him and his beagle sister and decided to help him cross the next day. On the way back to the hospital, Snoopy passed away. We are grateful for the life he lived and the love he experienced. I could not have found a better home for him quite honestly. Rest in Peace Snoopy

9/24/21 – It has taken me days to compose myself and let you know of a true angel alumni that crossed the bridge. Clarence came into the rescue in November 2020 out of a shelter. He was a hot mess for sure – overweight, nails extremely long and curling, old, bad teeth, lumps, skin infections, and hair loss… the first time I went to clip his nails, he tried to bite me. A memory that makes me chuckle.
I named him Clarence after an angel and he lived up to that name for me. Many dogs come into my life and help me along the way. Occasionally one heals you when you didn’t even know you needed it. To say I love Clarence is an understatement. I am gutted with grief with the unexpected loss. Clarence was a senior and I only had him ten months in my life. I would do it again in a heartbeat. The incredible loss and pain just makes me realize how blessed I was to have him regardless of the time. If this touches you, then perhaps consider that seniors have more to offer than you might realize. I know life goes on and we put one foot in front of the other and inhale and exhale, but for me, this will be an incredible task for a while. Rest in Peace my love. I hope I gave you enough.

Badger (formerly Biscuit)
8/31/21 6 years ago a sweet beagle named Biscuit came into our rescue. He found his forever home and then his family grew. He ended up with a human sibling and a beagle one. He enjoyed his life until recently when the now Badger (since adoption) started going downhill with kidney failure. Unfortunately Badger crossed over the rainbow bridge. We want to thank his family for loving him all this time and giving him the life he deserved. We are so sorry for their loss to the entire family. Rest in Peace Badger.

8/16/21 – Charlie came into the rescue in 2013 and one month later found her home. She lived a happy life getting the love she deserved. Recently, Charlie encountered some heart issues and sadly she crossed over the bridge yesterday. She was 17 years of age. We are so thankful to her daddy who loved her so very much. We are so sorry for his incredible loss. Rest in Peace Charlie (Charlene).

8/10/21 Some very sad news. Crumpet came out of a research facility and into our rescue. She spent many years being used for others’ benefit. Yet she was such a loving girl. She found her home and they loved her fiercely. She even had a bunny sibling.
Unfortunately Crumpet got diagnosed with a blood disease. She only made it 5 days after diagnosis. We are incredibly heartbroken for her and her family. They had her 19 months. We are grateful that they loved her so much and we wish they could have had her longer. She grew tremendously in her short time out of the lab and got to experience being a real dog. We are thankful for that. Rest in peace Crumpet…

8/3/21 This is a hard one. Many of you remember Kami. She has now earned her wings. Kami was in a shelter at the age of 17! That was unacceptable and we stepped in. We brought her into our rescue and worked on getting her back on track in health and comfort. She came in with severe allergies that were neglected and secondary infections in her paws because of it. Eventually Kami came back to health and thrived in her foster home. We knew an adoption was going to be hard and prepared to have her through her remaining days.
As it turned out, someone saw how special Kami was and adopted her. Kami got to be in her forever home getting the love and care she always deserved just shy of one and half years. Unfortunately several months ago, they found a tumor. Kami has lived a joyous time in this home and recently succumbed to her disease and passed over the rainbow bridge. She made it to 19 years of age. I for one love seniors and cannot stand for them to be dumped in a shelter and God forbid die there. Kami was a senior but she still had plenty of life and love left in her and I will forever be grateful to those that took a chance and saw that in her. I thank her foster mom who had her 8 months and her forever Mom who had her the rest of the time. We all loved Kami. She melted our hearts. We will never forget her. Rest in Peace Kami. You earned your wings and we were thankful you touched our lives.

Scout (formerly Lani)
7/27/21 5 years ago we took in a pair of beagles that had been used for breeding and then dumped. They were definitely shy to start. Lani was one of the beagles although she goes by Scout now. She and her sister blossomed in their forever home and they were adopted together. It was amazing to see the transformation in them.
Unfortunately, her sister passed in April and now Scout had become suddenly ill and has crossed over the rainbow bridge. Makes you wonder if she didn’t go from a broken heart to losing her sister. We are so very sorry for their family. It is hard enough to lose one of our fur kids and some of us know how difficult it is to lose more than one in a close time period. It is devastating. I am grateful to the family for adopting Scout and giving her the love and patience she needed to flourish. Thank you. We are truly sorry for your loss. Rest in Peace Scout. I hope you have a most joyous reunion with your sister.

7/23/21 In 2013, this handsome guy entered our rescue. It did not take long for him to find a home. He lived with two other beagles (one an alumni) and had a wonderful loving home. Bear was 12 years of age, when he suddenly became lethargic and stopped eating. He was taken in to the vet right away, but the prognosis was bleak. Cancer was throughout his body. Bear crossed over the rainbow bridge. We send our our warmest condolences to his family. Rest in Peace Bear. We will miss you. I will look after your brothers.

7/18/21 – 6 yrs ago we took in this little maltese. He had such a horrid mouth and after care, he ended up with no teeth. It did not bother him at all. He still loved to eat. He was easy to love. Tux was adopted and we just found out, that at age 16, he peacefully crossed over the rainbow bridge in his sleep. His family is broken hearted and we thank them for the years of love they gave Tux. He will be fondly remembered. Rest in Peace Tux…

7/6/21 Isabella came into our rescue in 2012. She at the time was over crated. She found a home with a wonderful family. Since she was now living as a normal loved dog, she was running but her ligaments were not used to moving and she blew both knees out. Now anyone who has went through that, knows it is expensive and a pain but her dad didn’t hesitate to take care of her instantly. Bella had the best life in the best home. Unfortunately she recently had a stroke and crossed over the rainbow bridge leaving her distraught family behind. We were so saddened to hear this but I know that I am so grateful for the love she had all these years. We never know what life will hold for us but in rescue many times we do get it right and the lives are forever changed for the better. I hold onto that. Rest in Peace Bella…

7/2/21 It is with a heavy heart that will bring you the sad news of Gazer’s passing. She hasn’t been with us very long. We were working on getting all of her medical taken care of when it was discovered she was riddled with cancer. She didn’t know she was sick and she had a zest for life and so we gave her all we could. She unfortunately came to a point where she was struggling to breathe. When we saw her in distress, we made the decision to let her cross over the bridge. She went peacefully this morning with her foster family by her side. We want to thank Coco’s House who saved her and helped her as much as they could. Unfortunately, we could not give her a long life but we gave her a quality life. Rest in peace Gazer until we meet again.

6/9/21 – Today we found out we lost another precious soul over the rainbow bridge. Dakota came to me 3-4 years ago. She was used for breeding and the owners passed away and then she and an offspring got bounced around and finally came to us. Dakota didn’t eat for days and just laid by the front door. My heart broke for this girl. But soon after, she became a wonderful, well adjusted beagle.
When she got adopted, I painted a picture of her yearning for me at the door and not eating… But she did not do that at all. She jumped right up on the couch and was home. She fit right in. No moments of uncertainty, no moments of adjustment, she just fit right in like she was meant to be. I was surprised but thrilled! She was there with the family for the last 3 years and unfortunately her loss has created quite a hole for her family and community. We are so sorry she is gone but are grateful her senior years were full of love and happiness. Dakota was 15-16 yrs of age when she crossed. Rest in peace Dakota.

Ollie (formerly Rain)
5/25/21 7 years ago, a beagle was abandoned. We named him Rain. He found his home and has lived a great life ever since. His family started to give back because of this beagle now called Ollie. They started to foster for us. Ollie was a great little confident dog that helped so many beagles overcome and adjust to their new found life from rescue to forever home. He made a big mark by doing so. Unfortunately he started to have some breathing issues and was found to have cancer. Cancer takes so many of us. The prognosis was not good and I was hopeful for more time but within a weeks time, Ollie declined rapidly. We know how devastatingly hard it is to have them ripped away from us and we are so sorry to his family that they are now experiencing this pain. We are forever grateful that they adopted and gave Ollie a home where he could then help others. We are grateful that they did was was right for Ollie as they let him go even though they were crushed to do so. Our hearts go out to them and hope their cherished memories can help ease them through this time. Rest in Peace Ollie. Good boy, you will not be forgotten.

5/14/21 3 days ago, we pulled a ten year old girl out of the shelter. Her body was aged, past ten years for sure. When we got Dottie, we knew she had been neglected and possibly abused for quite some time. Someone just used this girl til there was not much left of her.

5/12/21 4 years ago, we were pulling a beagle out of the shelter. At that time we were informed that he was part of a bonded pair and the old chihuahua had to go with him. So we took them both. We found out not only were they not bonded, they only tolerated each other. So we split them apart and they did great and we were able to adopt them out separately. The chihuahua was a sassy older girl, Blondie. She had barely any teeth when she came to us and after a dental for a fistula repair, she had none. She was the typical tan average size spunky chihuahua but being older, no one really wanted her. Turns out, her foster mommy who had experience with chi’s decided to make her home a permanent one for Blondie. We were thrilled. Our sassy girl fit in and was home. We never really knew how old she was but thought perhaps around 12. Sadly, Blondie passed away in her sleep. We were so glad she found her home, was loved on and would never find herself in a bad situation again. We also find comfort that she slipped away peacefully in her sleep. We are grateful to her family that loved her and made her part of her family. We also are so very sorry for their loss of Blondie. Rest in peace Blondie.

5/7/21 Today is a hard one. 5 years ago, I got a call about an old beagle that was abandoned at the airport. Someone did not want to pay to have him continue on and left him. I could not even imagine. So I went and got Murray. Murray was almost 15. He had a bum leg for reasons I have no idea.
He was set in his ways but he had plenty of life left. He loved to run around. I would ride the bike in the yard and Murray would chase me. He loved his food. When another beagle entered the rescue who was blind, he and the other beagle were dubbed the “Grumpy Old Men.” They had their little rivalry. Gumbo, the blind one, was strong but blind and constantly ran into Murray who did not appreciate it at all. Murray would start it and Gumbo would always finish it. But they were great. They just both loved food so much. One time I got bit in the foot by Murray while he was tumbling with Gumbo over a tomato, which by the way he did not even like. lol.
I would have never adopted them together. But just the right family came along for the Grumpy Old Men. Murray, who would wrap himself in blankets, was headed to cooler weather. Luckily his new mom made him sweaters. He has thrived these last years in Colorado. I honestly could have never found a more perfect home for him. Towards the end of last year, you may remember I flew up for the day to see my old men and featured them on a foster Friday live video. Murray was 20 now and that is a long life, but it does not take away the pain of his loss. There is a hole he is leaving here for the people left behind that loved him so fiercely. Many of you know I have a soft spot for the seniors. I have had my share of hospice and senior dogs and I love them so much. Murray was so special. He made a mark. I am so sorry for his passing. I know what I am feeling is only a fraction of what his family is. I am grateful that they took my old man on, and cherished him as I did. He certainly lived because of the love and care he received (and his love of food) and I know he had a wonderful end of life surrounded with love. He will not be forgotten. Rest in Peace Murray. Run free over the rainbow bridge.

5/1/21 Honeygirl came into our rescue in 2012 and was adopted out fairly quickly. Unfortunately 2 years later, she developed glaucoma and the adopters did not feel they could handle that and she came back into rescue. She lost both of her eyes and it did not change her attitude or zest for life at all. She was happy and she did not need her eyes to enjoy life and she was out of pain. She recently passed away and we only just heard about it. We wish her family the best and will hold onto the memories of this beautiful girl. Rest in peace Honeygirl.

Cooper (formerly Copper)
5/1/21 A little over 3 years ago, we took a beagle poodle mix in. He was so cute and I had never seen this mix before. He was a great dog and he found his home and has been doing wonderfully since. Unfortunately about a year or so ago, he was diagnosed with Cushings. Anyone who has dealt with this, knows how hard of a disease this can be. Sadly, Cooper just crossed over the rainbow bridge. The disease took its toll on his body. His family is devastated. We completely understand that. We were so happy to have found a great home for Cooper and know he lived happy and well surrounded in love. We are so sad for his passing and wish his family well and hope the memories and times with Cooper can help them through this difficult time. Rest in peace Cooper.

4/30/21 In January of 2020, we took in a special senior out of the shelter. He was 15 years of age. We ended up doing much medical on him to make sure his quality of life was good. In the past 6 months or so, he developed some dementia but we still tried to give him the best quality of life and we really do feel he thrived and enjoyed himself. Sebastian could even open up the refrigerator and help himself, a task many beagles wish they could perform. Earlier this year, we had a Sweet 16 party for him and truly believed he totally enjoyed it and had a great time. It was wonderful to be part of that and experience it and see how happy he was. Unfortunately, Sebastian started to decline in the last few days and it was becoming significant through the night. This morning Sweet Sebastian crossed over the rainbow bridge. This is what we do, we make sure no matter how much time they have, it is good. Sebastian’s foster mom, Sally was very much an integral part of his care and quality. I will be forever grateful for this. She did not know what her endeavor would entail when she started, but no matter how difficult it was at times, she continued to love him and it showed in his daily life. Sebastian was with us for just shy of a year and a half and I know he had a great life whilst with us. Rest in Peace over the rainbow bridge Sebastian. Until we meet again.

Easter Babies 💔

4/5/21 – Some very sad news today, as one of our alumni crosses the rainbow bridge. 4 years ago, a tiny beagle made her way from North Carolina to Las Vegas. She was the sweetest little girl and a friend to everyone she met. We found her home with a past adopter rather quickly. Coco had a big personality in a little body and really wanted to meet everyone. She went through a lot in those four years. She dealt with a mass, allergies, beagle pain syndrome and finally a spinal injury. We will be forever grateful that her dad provided her a truly wonderful home filled with so much love. We will always remember how happy she was. Rest in peace Coco.

Robin (previously Leona)
4/2/21 – 5 years ago we pulled a pair of breeding girls from a shelter. They had been used their whole life. Two months later, they both landed in the same home and have thrived. Robin (previously Leona) unfortunately just passed in her sleep on March 31st, a cruel April fools joke. Her family is devastated. Her beagle siblings, Scout and Havoc are both alumni but the loss of Robin is great in the home. We wish our sincerest condolences to the entire family and thank their family for loving Robin all these years, something she probably had never experienced before. Rest in Peace Robin. Until we meet again.

Riley (formerly Miley)
3/19/21 We just found out one of our alumni crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are so saddened to hear this. About four and half years ago, we pulled a beagle out of the shelter. She seemed to be a stray, no one reclaimed her, and she had a puncture wound. She came out of the shelter and found a wonderful home. They actually moved out of state this past year and have another alumni too. We are saddened that Riley got very ill. She was Miley in the rescue. Rest in peace little girl.

3/11/21 Landon was a very handsome chocolate boy. He came to us through our rescue partner. We do not know what his early life was like but we do know that whoever had him, moved and left him behind, all alone. He was found barely alive at only 8 lbs, which is basically a bag of bones and skin. He had heart worms and went through that treatment and it took a bit to get some weight on him and a dental done. He underwent two surgeries for that as he was super weak. He came to us last year. He was very frail. He was blind and still thin and he would get bouts of diarrhea. Over all there was not anything really wrong with him but being old and fragile. Landon lived with one of our fosters and learned love and even put on a few pounds. We think he knew he was loved. Recently Landon had been having nose bleeds and slowing down even more. He went to the vet which completely stressed him out and we found out he had quite a few issues going on. Mass in his nose, oro-nasal fistulas and he stopped eating. Later his breathing became labored. Landon crossed over the rainbow bridge with compassion and love. He touched hearts along the way. Landon was not treated well previously but we hope we made up for this in his final year. We want to thank his foster mom who loved him fiercely and also Coco’s House Senior Sanctuary and Rescue who rescued him and started him on a path of caring. Rest in Peace Landon.

Rice (formerly Hannah)
3/11/21 We lost an alumni. In 2012, we took in a little beagle named Hannah. It did not take long for her to find a home. She found her place with a family that was already SNBRF alumni. She became Rice and helped her beagle brother Beans with his separation anxiety. Unfortunately Rice has crossed over the rainbow bridge. She was around 14 or 15. She made her family very happy and I know they are going to miss her terribly. We are so happy she had many years living a good life filled with love and fun. Rest in Peace Rice.

2/17/21 6 years ago, we took this beautiful girl in. She was supposed to be about 8 years of age. We had a hard time believing this because she was so athletic and could jump an insanely high amount. We had many chuckles with her antics. We were so happy to have found her the perfect home and she brought so much joy and had a wonderful life but unfortunately her body gave out and she succumbed to splenic issues. We are so sorry to lose this girl and our condolences go out to her mom that loved her so much and relished in the days she had with her especially this past year. Rest in Peace Elise… Jump those gates over the rainbow bridge.

1/20/21 We just learned of one of our alumni that crossed over the bridge. BJ actually passed in October of this past year but we just learned of his passing. BJ came to us in December of 2019. He was a senior boy at 14 years of age. He was a sweet boy who had been neglected. We did not know how long we would have him. As it turns out, we found the perfect home for him at the end of March. Sadly, they only had him 7 months and he crossed over the rainbow bridge. We do know his end was full of love and he was happy and cared for and that is the most we can hope for. As it turns out, his mom that loved him unconditionally passed just a few weeks after him. We are comforted to know they were reunited in heaven. Rest in Peace BJ.

1/27/21 Some sad news today. One of our alumni crossed over the bridge. 4 years ago, I went and picked up a beagle from the shelter. She had been confiscated and she was in rough shape. Her foster dad, who is known for taking on the heavier less wanted ones, loved her fairly instant. He ended up adopting her. I am forever grateful to him for the love he pours into the unwanted older, heavier beagles. They always end up getting back to healthy and full of so much love. I know Millie (previously Petunia) knew how loved she was. Unfortunately Millie follows her brother only a month later. I am so very sorry for her dad who is dealing with such incredible loss. You can see what a beautiful girl she was. I am so fulfilled that these last years were undoubtedly her best years. Rest in Peace Millie.

1/20/21 One of our alumni crossed over the rainbow bridge. Max came into our rescue and was known as Mr T. He was a lovable older guy. He was adopted and has been a great joy to his family. Unfortunately just over 2 years later, Max ended up getting sick and struggling to breathe. We are so sorry for his family that is dealing with this heartbreak. They have adopted many from us and continue to foster. We will all miss that lovable Max. Thank you for loving him and making him your family. Rest in peace Max.

1/13/21 – One of our alumni crossed the rainbow bridge. We pulled her out of the shelter where her life was at risk for an eye issue. She quickly found her forever home. I am forever grateful to her mom who saw the beauty in her and loved her all of these past almost 5 years. Unfortunately Praline lost her battle with cancer. We sure do hate cancer so much. We can be happy that Praline had these years full of love and care. We are so sorry for her mom and her chi brother. May they cherish the memories and hold her in their hearts. Rest in Peace sweet Praline.

Max (formerly Twinkle)
1/6/21 – One of our alumni crossed over the rainbow bridge. Max (previously Twinkie) was in his forever home for 5 years. He was loved very much. Before this last loving home, he wasn’t cared for much. Beagles can be stubborn and they are not for everyone but when you know and love the breed and give them your love, they are wonderful dogs and give it back tenfold. I am so happy Max had his forever loving home that understood him and cared for him and he finally got to be part of the family he deserved. He was known in his neighborhood and loved by all. Rest in Peace Max….

12/19/20 It is with a heavy heart I inform you one of our alumni has crossed over the rainbow bridge. Naples was a unique little guy. He was only 6 lbs but he had the courage of a lion. He came to us in rough shape. His teeth were so rotten, he struggled to eat and he had eye infections causing him pain. He was a little fear biter and we can only speculate how he got to be that way. In the time he spent with us, he was cared for and taken out of pain. He ended up with yorkie brothers and a happy loving home. He was learning to trust and he had a mom that loved him fiercely and worked through his issues. Unfortunately Naples became distressed and had some difficulty breathing. He was rushed in and they thought perhaps he had bronchitis and part of his treatment was spending a few hours in oxygen. Last night he seemed much better but started having breathing issues again in the night. His mom gave him mouth to mouth but in the end, little Naples didn’t make it. We are extremely sad to hear this. This little fighter had a ton of spirit and none of us could have expected this. In the end, I know he was loved in the last 6 months and cared for immensely. I am grateful for the time he had but saddened for his loss and for his family. Rest in Peace Naples. We won’t forget you little squirrel.

12/10/20 – An alumni crossed over the rainbow bridge today. A little over 3 years ago, I got a call that a beagle was tied to a pole in a school yard. He was abandoned. His nails were so long and he was very overweight. He had a bit of a grumpy streak. As fate turned out, a most wonderful foster stepped up for him realizing he was not everyone’s cup of tea. Just a short time after, he adopted Shiloh and has loved him ever since. Shiloh and his Dad hit the jackpot with each other. I do not think I could have found a more perfect spot for him and I am grateful that he got the love and care he truly needed. He slimmed down and was part of a family. Unfortunately Shiloh ended up with a tumor in his heart and had little time. He actually continued to live for longer than thought and I can only imagine that was because of the love he received. We are so sorry for his loss and are so grateful to his Dad. Rest in Peace Shiloh.

12/10/20 – Cookie came to us when she was about 4 or 5 years of age. She was a petite beagle and found a home rather quickly. She met an untimely death at around 11 years of age. We are so sad to hear this outcome for this beautiful girl. Rest in peace Cookie, we wished better for you. I can not tell you how much this breaks my heart. Please, please reach out to us should you ever need us to help, take the the dog, and most certainly when anything changes.

Maxwell Smart (formerly Bigby)

10/20/20 – With a saddened heart, I announce one of our alumni has crossed over the rainbow bridge. Nutty came into our rescue 2 years ago. He was a funny 10 year old. Shortly after, we found him a home that simply adored him. He had a family of his own. We could not have been happier to see how much they truly loved him and made him part of the family. Unfortunately they did not have him long enough. Nutty ended up getting cancer and lost his fight tonight. We will all miss him and remember him fondly. Thank you to his family for showing him the love he deserved. Rest in Peace Nutty.

10/28/20 – Some sad news today… Zack joins his brother Hank (who went just 8 months ago – both alumni). We are so very sorry for their mom. We know how hard the loss was when Hank passed and now Zack. These two were very bonded and were hardly apart. I am thinking Zack missed his brother terribly. Unfortunately his kidneys started to fail. We know he is at peace together with his brother again but it does not lessen the pain for those left behind. We thank his mom for loving him all these years. Rest in Peace Zack.

10/25/20 – Today we said good-bye to Nana. At the beginning of August we saw a senior lady at risk for euthanasia by gas chamber in a neighboring shelter. We worked with another rescue and many caring people to get her out of that shelter and bring her here. It was pretty apparent on arrival that she had some medical going on. She did have some neurological issues and after an evaluation, we found she had extended cancer. We were determined to make sure whatever time she had left, would be filled with love and fun. Nana did settle into her foster home and thrived. She played and learned new tricks from her foster siblings. She loved her food and her family. Today, abruptly, Nana collapsed. She was struggling to breathe and was not eating and starting to suffer. It is unfortunate that her normal vet is closed. We could not let her suffer. Nana peacefully crossed over the rainbow bridge. Her foster family helped her over. She was a senior and not with us long but her impact will last. We will miss her greatly. We want to sincerely thank her foster family for providing her final months with love. We could not have asked for anything more for her. Rest in Peace Nana. You are a special girl.

10/21/20 – We just heard that one of our alumni has crossed over the rainbow bridge. Waffles has been in her forever home for four and a half years and it warms our heart to know how loved she was. We are grateful for that. I only wish she could have gone on longer. She was about 14 years old. We are so sorry to her family for their loss of sweet Waffles. Rest in Peace girl.

10/11/20 – Earlier this year we took in a senior. Normally we have our seniors for a bit, but Snoopy caught the eye of a loving family and was placed rather quickly. We could not have found a better place. These last few months we watched Snoopy and his family completely in love and happiness. Snoopy might have been 14 but he was living his best life. Shortly after he was adopted, they found he had cancer but did not let that get in the way of the life they gave him. They knowingly took a senior on and facing the chance of loss, they continued to love him completely. Sadly his body could not keep going and he has now crossed over the rainbow bridge. We thank his family for giving him the opportunity for such grace and we mourn with them in this loss. Anyone that viewed any of the images or videos knows how incredible the love and life was and we are all so sorry for the loss. Rest in Peace Snoopy.

10/11/20 – When I received Sandy, she was truly in need of rescue. She was young but severely neglected. She was terrified and completely matted. Once we could cut her down and settle her in a foster home, she started to open up and blossom. We all realized fairly quickly that her forever home was in the caring foster parents she had and her canine sisters. Unfortunately Sandy came down with an illness that took her rather swiftly. She was very young still and I know the impact is just starting to penetrate. We are saddened for her family’s loss and grateful for the love and care they gave these last 5 years. Rest in Peace Sandy.

Jack (formerly Jazz)
10/8/20 – We lost another angel. He came into our rescue close to 10 years ago. He was a fun loving guy. Jack found a home fairly quickly with a family that would show him all the love he deserved and he had a canine sibling named Magic to share the years with as well. Unfortunately 9 years later, Jack succumbed to cancer and other health related issues. We cannot express how grateful we are that he had such a good caring loving family all these years. This is rescue. Jack was Jazz in rescue and my foster and I will remember him for the loving beagle he was but I know his family will greatly miss him. I love this heartfelt picture. Rest in Peace Jack.

Scooter (previously Scratch)
8/12/20 – We have some sad news. Scooter (previously Scratch) has crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are so sad to hear this as he was not only young, but actually full of life. He was happy and playful and boy, did he love his toys! A month ago, he became suddenly ill and it was found he had congenital heart disease. He had a rough couple of days but after the meds started working, he was back to himself. We were all surprised by this discovery. We were even more shocked that only a short month later, he had some major heart episodes that landed him in the hospital and after careful monitoring, it was discovered his heart was working in overdrive and not being successful and more damage was setting in. His heart just could not do the job anymore. I cannot thank his family enough for loving him so fiercely and enjoying him so much til the end. I myself loved this little guy and his spunk for life and will greatly miss him. Rest in Peace Scooter over the rainbow bridge.


7/29/20 – A little over 2 years ago, I had an owner surrender that was heart breaking. Not because the dog was in such bad shape, actually the opposite. He was in fabulous shape but he was 16 years of age and I couldn’t imagine surrendering your loved one at that age to go to a smaller home. Woody came to us as a fairly active happy guy. At 16, we knew it might not be easy to find a home but not only did he find one, he found the best loving home for him! His whole family loved him so much and were devastated when he crossed over the rainbow bridge in their arms last night. I am forever grateful to the love they gave him in his final years and the family they gave him. Rest in Peace Woody. You will not be forgotten. xoxo

Snoopy (formerly Bruiser)
7/14/20 – We are sad to announce another alumni Snoopy (Bruiser in the rescue) has crossed over the rainbow bridge. His family only had him 5 years before he started getting sick. He was in renal failure and eventually his body could not go on. A year after he was adopted, one of his family members passed and he was the rock that kept the rest of the family going and pulled them through all kinds of downs. I think because of that, he became such a heart dog for them, that this hit them as an extreme loss. But of course, they all are. We are saddened the family has lost him and we are sorry he didn’t make it longer. We do know that the time he had with them, he was loved and cared for and there is nothing better than that. Rest in peace Snoopy.

Lolly (Lolly-Pop)
7/13/20 -8 years ago, we were asked to take this 20-pound beagle and we did. Lolly or as we affectionately called her Lolly-pop was a hoot. She was a little one but with such personality. She found the most wonderful home and they adopted many more after and some have passed since. Lolly eventually made the move with her family out of state. I was fortunate to watch her over the years. She was always fun to have around and a complete pleasure. She hated the camera for many years, lol. It was so hard to get a picture of her, but eventually she warmed up to that. Lolly just crossed over the rainbow bridge. She was 19 yrs. We are extremely saddened to hear this and have our sincerest thoughts and prayers for her family. We will all miss her terribly. Rest in peace my Lolly-pop.

7/6/20 – We got some very sad news today…our little Mandy… She came to us 16 months ago. She had much anxiety and turned out to be a little bit of a challenge to place. She was already a senior (at 12 yrs) and a gorgeous girl but had some onset of dementia as well. We looked at some potential homes but in the end, the foster family decided their home was truly the best for her as she did the best there and was the calmest there. We didn’t want to upset her with change. Unfortunately just a year later, Mandy ended up with cancer. Her foster family is one that takes on many of the seniors and special needs. As familiar with loss as they are, it never gets easier. They love Mandy even with her issues and this is heartbreaking to let her go. I am forever grateful to them for giving her the home she truly needed and the love she absolutely deserved. Rest in Peace Mandy. We all loved you.

Ellie Mae


6/9/20 – In 2012, an adorable young Snoopy came into our rescue and as fast as he came in, he went out. His mom loved him so much and through the years, we often saw him and could see how well he was and how he thrived in her loving care. Unfortunately Snoopy got sick recently and crossed over the rainbow bridge today. We know how difficult this is for his mom and we are just so sorry she lost him but want to thank her for all the love and care she poured into him all these years. We wish she had him longer but know he is resting peacefully now. The hardest part for all of us in having them is certainly losing them. Pieces of our heart just crumble. We hope she can hold onto the memories to help ease her pain. Rest in Peace Snoopy.

6/3/20 – 5 years ago I received a plea from the shelter asking for help with a beagle mix. We went to pull him and realized he is a cocker spaniel. We took him anyway and Sniffer was a velcro dog. He was a nice, sweet dog who ended up finding his family with a cocker sibling as well. He was so loved and I am grateful for that. Unfortunately, he crossed over the rainbow bridge when his kidneys failed him. We are so saddened for his family. Rest in Peace Sniffer, you were a good boy.

5/11/20 – We are sad to hear this past weekend one of our alumni made the journey across the rainbow bridge. Lexi came into our rescue several years ago. In 2012, she found a wonderful home and shortly after made her way to Florida where she lived with her family. She lived a good happy life and was given all the love. I am so happy these last 8 years she has had the best family for her. We know how much they will miss her and how hard it was to let her go but she went with love and peace. Rest in Peace Lexi.


4/5/20 – I just heard some real sad news. Skippy has crossed over the Rainbow bridge. I loved this guy. He was such a gentle dog and at one time had a great mom and was very loved, but after she passed, his life took a turn. Unfortunately he wasn’t loved and tossed outside. We do not know how long he endured this neglect but a neighbor convinced the gentleman to surrender him to us as he clearly needed medical help. Skippy had a massive cancer coming out of his ear. We did the surgery and didn’t know what to expect but he recovered very well. He then went on to find the most amazing home with two people that loved him immensely. Their love took him another 8 years and at the age of 16 or 17, his body gave out… We are so saddened by his loss. To know Skippy, he was just such a good dog and just so kind and gentle. You really poured your heart out to him. We send our deepest condolences to his family. We know how very much they will miss him. Rest in Peace Skippy. Thank you for showing us your spirit.

5/3/20 – Sorry to say we started our morning with sad news. One of our alumni crossed over the rainbow bridge. Betsy came to us 7 years ago and was adopted by a family. She lived an amazing life there on out. She spent some time in Vegas and then got to live and have wondrous adventures in Montana. We often received updates on Betsy and it warmed our hearts to know she was doing so well. Unfortunately they lost Betsy and our hearts break for her family. We only hope the memories they have will help ease their pain. Rest in Peace Betsy.

4/18/20 – 7 years ago, a beagle who was perfect was sitting in the shelter just waiting for a family. He was there for a long time and so we decided to pull him out. He was about 6 years old and had the most unique markings. He was such a happy dog. He went into a foster home and shortly after, he became the first Foster Fail for our dear friend. All these years he saw many more dogs in and out of his home but one thing was consistent….his home and his mommy. They remained his constant love. Sadly Roscoe crossed over the rainbow bridge. I thank Roscoe for all the dogs he helped transition. I thank his Mom for giving him that home he so deserved. We send out our deepest condolences. I will always remember Roscoe for his happiness. When I was looking through what pictures I have of him, he was smiling, running, and playing. It was not hard to see how someone could fall for him so quickly. Rest in Peace Roscoe, watch over mommy from above.

Emmy (formerly Lila)
4/14/20 – 7 yrs ago, this little beagle who was about 7 yrs old came into our rescue by way of the shelter. She was such a cute little thing. She soon found her home and happily lived until recently. Her family lost little Lila (Emmy to them). They are of course devastated. We know how hard loss is but are always so extremely grateful for the love provided and a home made just for them. You will be forever missed Emmy but your family and we in the rescue will never forget you. Rest in peace little one.

4/14/20 Barnaby came to us 7 years ago through the shelter. It wasn’t long before he found his forever home and family. Unfortunately, he had a massive seizure he didn’t come out of and at approximately 14 yrs of age, Barnaby has crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are always saddened to hear this but know it is a part of it. We hope his family takes comfort in their memories. Here he is on the boat, even though he hated the water, he loved being with his people. Rest in peace Barnaby.

Aurora (formerly Nikki)
3/27/20 – Another alumni crosses over the rainbow bridge. Nikki came to us a little under 2 years ago. She had the worst ears we had ever seen – very neglected, very infected. It took months and months to get her painful ears back to normal. Then she found her forever home – someone who saw the beauty she is. She became Aurora and her life just kept getting better and better. We love when people open their hearts up to our seniors. It is a win-win for everyone and this too was the case here. Sadly Aurora passed today and we send our deepest condolences to her family. We thank them tremendously for loving Aurora and making her life better. Rest in peace til we meet again.

3/26/20 – Homey has been with us for about 8 months or so. He has been loved on but has had medical issues. This week Homey had his dental, a hernia repair, and a scope to find out why he was having continuous respiratory issues. The surgery didn’t show much but unfortunately Homey passed away during the night. We believe he had a blood clot, a complication from surgery that can happen in animals and people. We are so sad this happened and no one could have predicted this. We do feel that although he didn’t find his forever home, he was truly loved and his fosters knew what a great dog he was. He will be greatly missed. Rest in peace Homey. We wish we could have done more.

3/25/20 – Today one of our alumni crossed over the rainbow bridge. Sampson was found on the streets. His nails were curled all the way under and he had some horrible teeth. Well we fostered him and got him taken care of medically. He still holds the record for the most teeth lost in one time (36). He ended up with one tooth left and lived a happy life. He was an older guy but loved his toys, especially Snoopy. He found his forever home here with me at Beagletopia and it has been my extreme pleasure to have him these years. It felt like a long time but in actuality, it was only 4 years. I lost him unexpectedly and I just hope he is resting peacefully over the rainbow bridge. I love you Samps, run free my old man.

3/23/20 5 years ago, I spotted a shih tzu at our local shelter. He had an eye injury and his eyeball was sitting on his face. He had been like that at the shelter for 5 days. I was horrified. We pulled him out and had surgery done asap.
This didn’t slow him down one bit. He was a very happy guy. He snored and loved to eat (much like a beagle). We named him Patch. Shortly after he was with us, he found his forever home. Little did I know then, this person would leave a mark on my life and become a very good friend. Patch lived such a great life and I could not have found someone to love him more. Truly a perfect match. We all shared fun times and many laughs. Today though, we shared sadness and tears as Patch crossed over the rainbow bridge unexpectedly. What saddens me even more, I couldn’t be there for either of them to assist them through due to our current state with an invisible virus.
We send out our prayers and thoughts and an abundance of love for his family. He will truly be missed. Rest in peace Patch. I’ll look after mama.

3/16/20 – Little Delali came into us at 3 yrs old. She was spending most of her days tied to a doorknob. Luckily she found her home that gave her the love and freedom she never had… Sadly, a little over 7 years later, she got very sick and crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are so sorry for her family for this heartbreaking loss. We send them our love. Rest in peace Delali… run pain free.

2/27/20 – We received the sad news that Hank one of our alumni has crossed over the rainbow bridge. I do not have a picture of Hank on his own as he was always with his brother. I am sure his brother is feeling this great loss along with his mom. They were always together. Hank came in with his brother in 2013 from a shelter and were promptly adopted to the most loving home. Unfortunately, Hank recently ended up getting cancer and it was felt he still had a few months left and his quality was good. That all changed suddenly and we had to say good bye. We are so heartbroken for his mom who thought she had more time and we are also terribly sorry for Zack, the brother he leaves behind that he was so close to. I want to thank his family for giving him so much love over these past years and hoping that she and Zack can comfort each other. Rest in Peace Hank.

Sadly, we found out one of our alumni has crossed over the rainbow bridge. Razzle was so young at 6 years of age. He came to us in 2015 and had to have surgery for cherry eye. He soon found his forever home and they had an incredible bond for a little over 3 years. Razzle ended up with congestive heart failure and in the end it was what took him way too soon. We are so sorry he has passed. Rest in peace Razzle.

2/14/20 – We were saddened to hear the news that one of our alumni Yogi passed. He was an older guy when he came into the rescue. He was loved by his foster family and then by his forever one. Even though his family only had Yogi almost 2 years, they embraced and valued all of the time loving him in Idaho! Rest in peace sweet Yogi.

1/26/2020 – Cloe passed over the rainbow bridge. We are saddened for her family, who is a multi-alumni adopter. They had 5 years with Cleo and we are grateful for the love she received. No matter how much time passes, we are always heartbroken for our alumni that pass and for their families. We grieve along with them. Rest in Peace Cloe, you will be missed.

Dolly (formerly Molly)
1/25/2020 – Another alumni became an angel. Dolly (Molly in rescue, but the family already had a Molly from us) came through our rescue 6 years ago and landed in the best home. She lived with many other SNBRF alumni and made a real presence in the family. She will be greatly missed by her family and we are forever grateful for the love and family they provided for her. It is never easy to say goodbye. We appreciate our families so much for all the love they pour into the dogs no matter how long they have them. Thank you and rest in peace Dolly over the rainbow bridge.

Mr. Waddles (previously Odie)
1/22/2020 He came into the rescue as Odie about 7 years ago. He was a chubby guy with a big personality. He left the rescue as Mr. Waddles with a family to spoil him. I am happy and grateful that all these years, he was loved and treasured. Unfortunately, they said goodbye to him as he crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are always saddened to lose our alumni but are forever grateful for the love and family they had while on this earth. Rest in Peace Mr Waddles, you will be missed.

S’mores (aka Snoopy)

Feather (previously Heather)
12/31/2019 On a sad note, on the last day of 2019 we lost a special alumni. Heather was pulled out of the shelter a little over 2 years ago. She was overweight and had many lumps. She was a joy and brought her foster mom a lot of that. We had to remove one lump, although benign, it was getting in the way of her ability to walk. Shortly after, she had to have a knee repaired. She always remained her joyful self. She often went to work with her mom and was an unofficial therapy dog to many people. She was an inspiration to all of us. Sadly her health took a turn and yesterday she crossed over the rainbow bridge. I know how devastated her mom and canine sibling are. We send out our sincerest condolences to them for their loss of Feather. She will be greatly missed. Rest in peace Feather (previously Heather).

12/17/19 We are sorry to hear that Brooklyn unexpectedly passed and so shortly after her beagle brother (another alumni) had just crossed over the rainbow bridge. I know their mom is devastated to lose her as well. She had Brooklyn for 7 years and lost her at the age of 13. We are so sorry for her loss, especially after losing Chico recently. Rest in peace baby girl and join your brother.

12/13/19 Today one ours crossed over the rainbow bridge. Donner came into the rescue about 3 years ago. He was a beautiful fawn beagle that had been neglected and made to spend 13 years of his life outdoors. Even after that, he had lots of love to give and receive….and he did just that. He was adopted to a wonderful family who showed him more love and kindness than he had ever known. He even spent some time in Florida hanging around campus. Unfortunately, his body gave out on him as he reached 16 yrs. We know his family will miss him dearly and we are grateful to them for opening their hearts and home to this loving senior boy. Rest in peace Donner.

7 years ago I got a call to get these dogs who were living outside. Turns out they were purchased for thousands of dollars and made to live outside for 5 years. Based on their demeanor and body language, they were likely yelled at often and possibly hit. One of the dogs even had a muzzle scar. We found the the dogs were able to be separated and both flourished with love. Scrappy was a loving dog who was a bit scared. He found a family that was perfect for him. Unfortunately 7 years later, he ended up with cancer that ended up taking him from us. We are so sorry to his family for their loss but are forever grateful to them for the love they provided him all these years. Rest in Peace Scrappy.

Roscoe (previously Cajun)
Cajun came into our rescue 5 years ago. His foster family took no time at all to realize they wanted him to be part of their family forever. He became Roscoe and received so much love and fun. We were so happy. Unfortunately Roscoe lost his battle with cancer and crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are sorry for the pain and loss of this beautiful boy to his family left behind. Many prayers to them. Rest in peace Roscoe.

Awwww, our sweet senior alumni Rosie has crossed over the rainbow bridge. She was 12 when she came into the rescue and was in rough shape. Her foster family was nursing her through her medical and fell in love. They adopted her and showered her with love. We could not be happier. Rosie battled cancer at the end and leaves her beagle sibling and alumni behind. We are so sorry for her parents as they are feeling this devastating loss but we are so grateful to them for giving her a forever loving home. Rest in Peace Rosie.

Bobo (previously Auzzie)
We are so saddened to hear little Bobo (previously Auzzie) crossed over the rainbow bridge. He came into our rescue 5 years ago when his life was threatened at a shelter for bad teeth. He landed in the perfect yorkie home and instantly was part of the family. We are grateful for the love and care he received all these years and are terribly sorry to say good-bye. We send our heartfelt sympathy to his family in their time of loss. He lived in a multi alumni home. Rest in peace sweet Bobo, you will be greatly missed.

Some sad news came in … Tootsy, one of our alumni crossed over the rainbow bridge. 7 years ago, a Northern California couple adopted her. You would think that was the end of it, never to be heard or seen again, but that was far from what happened. We actually saw Tootsy over the years and were able to watch her when the family was in town. We could not have found a better match for her. They loved her fiercely and unconditionally and it was apparent how much she was part of the family. Unfortunately, Tootsy ended up having a spinal tumor that effected her quality of life and led to her demise. We are forever grateful to her family for providing her a safe and happy loving home all of these years and we are extremely sorry for their loss. Rest in Peace Tootsy.

Three years ago a family was moving out of the country and decided to surrender their 11 year old dog they had since he was a puppy. That was devastating for the dog. Luckily a very lovely past adopter who loves seniors decided to give Chico a home. For the last three years, he has been showered with love and kindness. Unfortunately Chico passed over the rainbow bridge leaving his mom and alumni beagle sister behind. Rest in Peace Chico.

Max – (Originally Scarecrow)
Max, one of our alumni has crossed over. He came into the rescue at the age of 13. His previous owner dumped him in the shelter and they deemed him unadoptable due to his age and weight. He was such a nice dog and soon found his forever home with the family that fostered him. We are sorry that they only had him for about 2 years but we also know that was his best life being loved. We thank those who open their hearts and home’s to our senior dogs. He will always be Scarecrow to us, but rest in peace Max…

Little Pepsi (Formally Pip)
We have sad news today. Little Pepsi (originally Pip), who is only around 3 lbs has crossed over the rainbow bridge. He came to us out of the shelter and rather quickly his foster mommy decided he was home. She had him about 5 and a half years. During this time she gave him all the love and continued to foster. He had many siblings and lots of friends but best of all, he had a loving home all these years. This picture is from when he was first in the rescue and he always had his hair grown out after this. Rest in peace sweet little man.. we got mommy now.

We received some sad news.. our alumni, Ladybug, has crossed over the rainbow bridge. She was adopted 5 years ago and I truly hope the last 5 years were the best years of her life. She was loved and so sweet. Unfortunately complications of glaucoma did her in. We are so sorry for her loss to her beloved family. Rest in Peace Ladybug.. you will never be forgotten.

Katie came into our rescue 8 years ago with her brother. In a short time, a wonderful family adopted both of them. Her brother passed away we believe in 2018. Katie’s mom loved her very much but also got sick and recently passed away. Katie has gone down hill since then and today she crosses over the rainbow bridge. We are so saddened for her family, so much loss in such a short time. However, we know Katie is now joining her human mom and her brother… rest in peace Katie!

Jeff made a long journey from going through heart worm treatment to arriving here to us from our rescue partners.. He was such a nice and playful dog despite his left over medical issues from heart worm. We just found out he passed over the rainbow bridge and we are so sorry to hear this and to all of his family. Jeff was a great dog and he will be missed.

One of our alumni passed over the rainbow bridge. Bina was a good girl who only had four years with her family but I know that in those years she was so loved and I am eternal grateful for that. We are so sorry that her family lost her and mourn with them. Bina was fun and accepted right into her canine family. We are sorry that she got sick in the end but find comfort that she is not in pain now. Rest in peace Bina

Whitney came to us 4 years ago. she was very overweight when she first arrived. But her foster family just loved her and it was not long before she became a permanent part of the family. She continued to lose weight and gain love. We are so sorry to hear that she has now crossed over the rainbow bridge. She had become sick and as much as they tried to keep her going, eventually her body gave up. We are so happy to know she was embraced with kindness and love these last four years and we send our deepest condolences out to her family in this most difficult time. rest in Peace Whitney, thank you for sharing your life with us.

4 years ago we pulled a beagle out of the shelter who almost died because of an ear infection, an obvious fix. He was a good-natured guy and it did not take long for him to find his family. Funny enough, the family came looking for a beagle and then met a poodle mix that was being fostered with Higgins. We were surprised that they asked to adopt both. Both had been fostered together and we were so happy that they both found a wonderful home. About a year ago, Higgins was diagnosed with Lymphoma. no one wants to hear that ever. He put up a good fight and his family was pulling for him. Alas, this weekend, he succumbed to the disease and they had to say good-bye. We are so thankful he found a great home filled with love and also are saddened he passed away before his time at only 9 years old. Rest in Peace Higgins. We are so sorry your family is dealing with your loss.

Some more sad news. Emma also crossed over the bridge. Now little Emma was originally found by a Trooper on the side of the highway, she had a crushed toe and broken tail. The petite girl made huge strides and absolutely loved to play ball. She did find her forever home and funny enough not only did the person now have a dog named Emma but also her human daughter was named Emma. We are so glad that Emma had many years in her home being loved. We are saddened for her family and the loss of this little girl. I will never forget her. Rest in peace Emma

We received some sad news today. Latte, was a fairly young beagle. I believe she came into the rescue at 9 years old. And It’s been about a year and a 1/2 that she’s been adopted and she had a tragic illness. She got very sick suddenly And had to have emergency surgery for a blood clot in her colon. She made it through that surgery and walked over to her mom and gave her kisses but was kept for observation and care overnight. Sadly she passed away in her sleep. We are so sad that she didn’t have a longer time on this Earth and even more sad to her family who was now mourning her loss. We are forever grateful to them for showering her with the love she certainly deserved. Rest in peace latte we will never forget you.
![]() | We got sad news today. Winnie who was fairly young, maybe 9 years old, has crossed over the rainbow bridge. She only came to us last year out of the shelter. She found her forever home. She was very loved and cared for but ended up with health issues with arthritis and Cushings. Eventually she was struggling more and more. Rest in Peace Winnie. I am glad you found a loving family, I am just sorry you didn't have them long or them you. |
![]() | Today we unexpectedly lost an alumni. Booger crossed over the rainbow bridge. Pulled from a shelter where his life was threatened. His foster mom instantly fell for him and adopted him fairly quick. He was older already and he did show signs of issues. You would never know it though as he was a happy dog and brought much love to his mommy and would make her laugh. We are so sorry for his family to have lost him. We know how much they are grieving. Boog wont be forgotten and will surely be missed. |
![]() | Penny. Eight years ago, I pulled out 3 dogs from the shelter. Penny and Charlie came from a bad situation. The third was sick with URI. Penny and Charlie were buddies but definitely could be adopted out separately. I fostered them. Charlie is thriving in his forever home. Penny was adopted and lived and loved her forever home. She was showered on and was caught in the dishwasher cleaning dishes among other things.. a few years ago, Penny was diagnosed with Glaucoma but still continued to do well. Sadly in January. she was diagnosed with CHF. She did well for a while but this weekend her body gave up. Penny crosses the rainbow bridge surrounded by love. I wont ever forget this petite beautiful girl or the love her mom bestowed upon her. She might not have started out with a good life but her last 8 years were wonderful and I can't be more thankful for that. Rest in peace Penny. We love you and will miss you. |
![]() | Yesterday we pulled Reno out of a shelter where he came in as a stray, was never reclaimed and stayed for 2 weeks. We all saw the mass on his side and we had already scheduled surgery for it before we even got home. We saw he was a happy guy but was wobbly and unstable. He was panting heavy and having trouble breathing. We didn't know if all this was related to mass or not. Last night Reno started passing large blood clots and was shaking as if he was in pain. We gave him pain meds and stayed with him. In the morning, he was at the vet office as soon as it opened. The news we heard came crashing into all of us.. his lungs were filled with cancer and that is why he was having difficulty breathing. He was literally suffocating. We do not allow dogs to suffer. We were devastated to hear this. I want to thank his foster mom, Nancy for staying with him and helping him cross the rainbow bridge. It always hurts when you can't save them. We wanted to do more and do better for him but we feel we did right by him and although we couldn't save him, we could help him. Rest in peace Reno. You touched many of us in a very short time. I love the pictures when he was pulled out and on his way out. |
![]() | Two and a half years ago an older beagle showed up at the local shelter for the third time. This time the owner decided not to come for her. We pulled her out of there and got her back to health, she lost so many teeth as I don't think she ever had a dental before. She had a very loving family adopt her. last night she crossed over the rainbow bridge. We are so sorry to hear this as we know just how much they loved and cared for her. She ended up with Cushing's Disease and for the last few days was really struggling to make it through the day and vomiting non stop. We are so glad that she was cherished her last years and completely filled with love. We could not have asked for a better family or end for her. Rest in Peace Karli, you will be missed but not forgotten. |
![]() | Another angel... Nina goes over the rainbow bridge. We are sad to hear this news. She came into the rescue and was adopted to a wonderful family that showered her with love for five years. We are very happy about that. She will be forever missed. Rest in peace Nina. |
![]() | We lost another alumni over the rainbow bridge. Sweet Angel. She looked like a little ewok when we first took her in. She was forced to live outdoors. Her foster fell hard rather quickly and adopted her. She lived several years embraced with love. We are grateful for that by so saddened by her loss. Our sincerest condolences for her family. Rest in Peace Angel. |
![]() | Our sweet Merlot, failed by most before he came to us. We do not know his whole life story but what we do know, is not good. Yet, he came to us a happy, sweet, easy going dog. He loved to snuggle. He would literally smush his muzzle into you. We didn't mind, it makes it all worthwhile for us. We knew he had medical because we knew he had been hit by a car and left unattended to. We found out he had some bleeding into his chest. It was suspected at that time he might have mega esophagus. As the day went on and he did have the symptoms, he was scheduled to go back in to get this confirmed and we were already looking into a bailey chair for him. Unfortunately, Merlot started crashing in the night. He ended up having pneumonia aspiration. This is not uncommon with mega esophagus and more times than not it will continue to happen. Merlot was in critical care at our vet office. He was on oxygen and they were doing everything they could for him but he was suffering. It is one of the hardest things to watch. Now you may think well he wasn't our own dog and you deal with this all the time. Honestly, we do deal with this often and I can tell you personally, it never gets easier. It just never does.We love these dogs and never lose hope for all of them. I cradled Merlot and gave him snugglies for even now while he couldn't breathe, he wanted them.. He crossed over the bridge in my arms surrounded by the love he deserved. We only had him a few days but we did not fail him. I took him into my heart as I do each dog and there he will stay. Rest in peace Merlot. |
![]() | Finnegan joins our other angels over the rainbow bridge. We were so saddened to hear of his passing. He came to us out of a shelter at twelve years old. We didn't know anything about him but learned quickly he was a champion snorer and didn't like to be picked up but most of all he was easy to love. His foster mom loved him and we all would smile to hear her say "upsy daisy" and watch him jump into the car.. We were thrilled when a past adopter decided to make him part of her family. We all loved him and we will miss him but I myself feel blessed that these special families loved him so much in his final years. To love a senior is a special thing. Rest in Peace Finnegan. |
![]() | I love this little guy. We just got terrible news about our little man Fitz. He got suddenly sick and was found to have cancer in multiple areas. We are devastated to hear that we lost him over the rainbow bridge. He was such a cool little guy and we were able to find him such a loving home these last three months. We will miss him greatly. Rest in Peace, Fitz. Bless you, baby. |
![]() | Coco passed over the bridge. Five years ago this little sweet lady was found with a mouthful of rotten teeth. Besides that, she was in pretty good health and so easy going. That summer she made her way with me to the East coast. To date, she was my furthest adoption. Las Vegas to Cape Cod.. I could not be happier with her family and placement. She had such adventures in her years to come. Becoming a pro walking the canal, greeting the wild turkeys and taking boat rides. She will be missed by many and our sincerest condolences go out to her mommy and daddy. Rest in Peace. |
![]() | We were saddened to hear that Boomer has gone over the rainbow bridge. He was young still at only about 11 years old. he made his journey to us from California and landed an exceptional foster home who then quickly became his permanent home. He had many adventures with his beagle siblings here and on vacation in Big Bear. He will deeply be missed. Rest in Peace Boomer boy. |
![]() | My heart is extremely heavy as I write this... My heart loved this dog the second I saw him. I could see instantly he deserved so much more. If you have been following along, you know I am speaking of Oshie. He only came to us three days ago. He lived a horrible existence while someone benefited and made money off of him for over eleven years. A caring person saw he needed help desperately and asked the breeder to surrender him. She did, and he received veterinary care on Saturday and made his journey here all night long arriving early Sunday morning. I wanted so much for this old man. He was skin and bones and yet a sweet pile of mush. I did whatever I could so that he knew he was safe and loved. I tried many things to help him and did to some extent, and then our dedicated veterinary team took over. I was with them every step of the way. He remained in the hospital until I received a critical call to come right away. Oshie looked like he was already gone when I arrived. I opened the door to where he was, and his head just fell and hung. I scooped him up and laid him on me and stroked him and flapped his ear over and spoke loudly into his ear. I wanted him to know how sorry I was that he was forced to live such a miserable life. I apologized for not getting him sooner. I apologized for not having him longer. I hugged him and then out of nowhere he suddenly woke and sat up. This was my very last picture of him. He suddenly wanted to go somewhere, so I let him. He walked outside and peed and smelled the grass a bit. Then walked around inside. I looked at the doctor, and she was in shock, and then he collapsed. I picked this baby up and cradled him and laid him into me. I let him know we tried so hard but it was ok for him to cross over in peace, that our love for him would follow and go with him. Our caring doctor told us, he needed urgent help a year ago based on what she saw. I cry for Oshie and all the dogs that are suffering so greedy people can make money off their suffering. I implore you to think hard before buying a dog. In my opinion from what I have witnessed many times over and for what dogs like Oshie have lived, it is always better to adopt. If you ever see a dog in need that is being used ring used, please tell someone so they might have a fighting chance to be saved. I gave it my all, and it wasn't enough. Yet, I didn't fail Oshie nor did SNBRF or our caring veterinary team. It was the breeder and all the people who insist on buying a dog from a pet store or backyard breeder. Rest in peace, my Oshie baby. You deserved so much more. |
![]() | We do have a bit of sad news today. Hammond crossed over the bridge. He looked like a teddy bear and people would smile when they saw him for the first time. I pulled him out of the shelter. He was overweight. He was a happy boy though. Within a couple of months, he was diagnosed with Lymphoma. He did well on treatment and had a normal life with his loving foster family. Sadly, that ended late last night when he was having trouble moving and breathing. It was discovered today, the cancer had spread and it was time to let him fly. You earned your angel wings buddy. We will miss you. We hope this was the best year of his life! Rest easy Hammond. Thank you to his dedicated foster family. |
![]() | I remember Jill being surrendered to us at an adoption event and her family just walking away. She was already an older gal but so sweet. When I thought a good family came along for her, they were more interested in another dog. But new to being a dog family, Luckily they decided to meet and give her a try. Her foster brought her to them and she cried. If you ever get a chance to foster, you will understand that. See, we love these dogs so much and we really want the best for them. Well Jill found the ultimate home. The family loved her so much and she them. They each learned so much and the family because of their love for Jill, ended up fostering more. They have been a huge asset to our SNBRF community. Well in just a short time (two years) Jill has now crossed the bridge. I for one will miss Jill as I know others will. The love she emanated will live through all of us that she touched and continue to help us do good things. Rest in Peace, sweet Jill. We will watch over mommy and daddy. |
![]() | Sad news for us here. Yoda has now gone over the bridge. He came to us a senior infested with ticks, but under all that, was a dog with a loving heart of gold. He found his forever family rather quickly with alumni and lived a good life for just about another 3 years. We are so happy that he had that. Rest easy, Yoda. We are very sorry for his loss and the impact it had on his family and others. |
![]() | We lose another alumni... Pickles who was Fooz in the rescue was like a big old teddy bear. He was fun and loving... He daddy loved him and they were best buddies. We could not have asked for a better family for him. Sadly he loses him... I will fondly remember pulling him out of the shelter and seeing him find his forever home.. Rest in Peace Pickles. |
![]() | Alumni Dexter has now passed as well. Unfortunately, he ended up with cancer. He was fortunate to find his forever home with someone that fell in love with him and gave him the love he deserved. His family I believe was the more fortunate ones. Rest in peace... |
![]() | We lost another alumnus. Bosco was a little beagle and he was happily adopted along with two other beagles. Sadly one of his sisters had already passed and he recently was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, which eventually took him. Rest in peace, Bosco. Join your sister and we will watch over mommy. |
![]() | Rascal became Bandit in his loving forever home. They loved him so much and he shared his home with another alumni. They suddenly lost him yesterday and are just devastated. We mourn with them as this was such a sweet and happy guy. We take comfort in knowing his time with them was filled with an abundance of love. Rest in peace Rascal aka Bandit.. |
![]() | We lost another angel. Savannah has now crossed over. Sadly it was only her brother Merlin that recently went and her parents are just heartbroken losing both so close together. Savannah came to the rescue with her sister Lola. Both were older at the time and a bonded pair. Savannah became ill and almost died. We got the cancer but the vet determined it would more than likely come back. So we always thought Savannah was on borrowed time... well that borrowed time lasted 5 wonderful years. Lola unexpectedly went a few years ago before Savannah. These two were a lovely pair and always welcoming to their senior buddies who came and went in foster care. We will remember Savannah for her strength and determination, something many beagles have. We join their parents in their sadness. Rest in peace Savannah. You deserve that. Join your sister for that joyous reunion. We will take care of mom and dad. |
![]() | Jasper was Rocket and I remember when this spirited little guy came into the rescue. He was running down the road and a good Samaritan had caught him.he was brought to the animal shelter but no one ever came for him and so Our rescue got him out. He was a little guy but very happy. And we couldn't have been happier when the Surran family adopted him. They made him part of their family and just loved him. Unfortunately years later he was given a rotten hand when cancer was found on his face. They went to extreme measures and had a surgery done but it ended up coming back later. We are so saddened by their loss. Their loss is also our loss. Rest in peace Jasper. We will never forget you. |
![]() | Some really sad news tonight. One of our alumni passed. I pulled Otto out of the shelter. He was missing hair in many areas including his tail. he was old and we thought quite ill based on appearance. As it turns out, he really wasn't bad off. He had some thyroid issues and that was his biggest problem. This little old guy touched our hearts immediately. I just loved him. I was quite surprised when someone came forward within the first month of having him wanting to adopt. It was a wonderful home. I recently got to see him at the park and he looked fabulous! Otto was only with us for about 9 months, but we all loved him so much during that time. He passed suddenly and his family is heartbroken.. and so are we. Rest in peace Otto. Until we meet again. |
![]() | She arrived at rescue neglected with a big bubble butt and long nails, but she was a sweet and mellow girl and she had a lot of love to give. She was content to be next to you and get attention. Her family will miss her greatly. She was a real addition to their family and she lost her weight with them. She was always a perfect girl. She passed in her sleep and we all mourn her loss. Rest in peace Rita. |
![]() | We wish he had had more time with the family who adopted and cared for him so. Rest in peace, Happy. Prayers to your daddy for his loss. |
![]() | Brady, as you pass into the Kingdom, many blessings to you. Brady's tumor grew significantly since yesterday, completely closing off the nostril. Yet, he played all day today and I didn't stop it. Even once even though he could barely breathe at all. I held him as he went to eternal sleep and thanked the Lord for bringing him into my life. His spirit lives on within the rescue. RIP sweet angel. |
![]() | Sweet angel Nora is now a beagle angel. Nora had been neglected for a long while. When she entered SNBRF, she was already very sick. We hoped the best we could do for her was make her comfortable in her final days. She was not with us long but she was happy while she was. Nora passed away peacefully on her own. We want to extend a grateful thank you to Sybil who fostered her and brought so much happiness to her. She opened up her heart and her home knowing that Nora was older and a hospice dog. Rest in peace Nora and join the others. |
![]() | It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that Bennett has crossed over the rainbow bridge. We were so fortunate to meet and know him. We Thank Tanner, his daddy for stepping up when no one else would save Bennett and his brother Clyde. Little did he know then that he would not just be their foster parent but their forever family too. Clyde, unfortunately, had complications shortly after surgery within two months after pulling him out from the shelter. Bennett continued. Bennett came in at an unhealthy 78 lbs and was going to be killed for being old and fat. But Tanner saw the love he held. Bennett did lose the weight and had multiple surgeries to help him. In the end, cancer came to take him. We are so thankful that this sweet pile of mush did not die in a cold shelter on a concrete floor but surrounded by love and a family that cared. Bennett survived for over a year after pulling him out of the shelter. He was neglected for a long time, but I take comfort in the fact that his last year of life was filled with love. Rest in Peace Sweet Bennett. Say hello to all of the others who have gone before. Meet up with Clyde again. You are the reason we do what we do. |
![]() | This happy Angel was in the shelter for over a month. We had no idea why no one wanted her. When we pulled her out, she was clingy and bonded super quick. I only had her for a day before moving her to her foster family. She vocalized her disagreement for two hours, but then came to realize this was the best thing ever. She hit the jackpot, not only did this family foster her but should we become part of the permanent family and never to look back. When I would see her after that, she wanted nothing to do with me. She claimed her mommy! She gave many years of love to them and sadly passed away last night. I know they will have many memories but for now, we extend our condolences for the family that gave her the love she needed. We will miss her. Rest in peace Molly girl, we will watch over mommy and daddy. Love to the Powell family. |
![]() | It is with an extremely heavy heart that we give our condolences to the Fogg family. Zoey came to our rescue and lost her life suddenly yesterday after an attack by another dog who was let out of his own yard. We can't imagine the trauma they witnessed and ultimately the amount of pain they all went through and continue to go through knowing that she was now gone forever. We thank you for giving her all the love you had and know she will live in all of our hearts forever. This tragedy impacted so many people. Rest in Peace little one. We will never forget you. |
![]() | We just found out that our dear beloved Thelma passed away. We are so thankful her mommy found her and at least had her a year so that her last year of life was filled with so much love. She ended up getting cancer and it was too spread by the time they found it. Thelma came a long way to be with us, traveling from New Mexico with some medical problems along with her sister. I know she will be greatly missed. Rest in peace over the bridge Thelma. |
![]() | Hershey had a rough adjustment to rescue. He was scared and a bit food aggressive to start, but as he got settled, I really loved this guy. He was sweet and loved to cuddle up on the couch. He loved to be on the scent of a squirrel and really got a kick out of life, he had a literal bounce in his step. One week ago, I found Hershey a home and he was adopted. The adjustment this time went very well. He bonded very quickly to his dad and even was sleeping with him, something he never did with me, maybe because of all the others in the bed. He got all of the attention and seemed to be enjoying his new life and home. He went to the dog park every morning and had a good time, even playing with others. Until today. ... Hershey did his usual routine of going to the park and had a great time with a boxer. Then suddenly stopped playing. He seemed to have a hard time breathing and then he suddenly died. I can't imagine having adopted a dog, bonded and losing him a week later. I have had short hospice fosters, but even I had more time with Hershey and got to know what a loving soul he was. I am so saddened for both his dad and him. We do not know what happened. Perhaps his heart? He had a clean bill of health, but it is a reminder that any one of us at any age can go at anytime. Please make sure to spend your time with quality. I for one will really miss Hershey. Rest in peace baby. |
![]() | It is with a sad heart that I tell you about another alumni angel. Jack passed this weekend. He was surrendered to the rescue when his family moved out of the country. He was a sweet guy and he found a loving home where he had a canine sister and wonderful dad. We are saddened to hear of his passing but will always be grateful to his family for giving him all the love he deserved. RIP Jack. |
![]() | We saw just how sweet you were when we first met you. We were the blessed ones to know you. I am reminded how fragile life is and honored to play a part in your journey. I am at peace knowing your last part of life was spent with a loving family. Rest in Peace Charlie, may all our friends over the rainbow bridge welcome you to your new home. You will be missed. |
![]() | Sad news. We honor another SNBRF alumnus. Little Bunny crossed over the Rainbow bridge. Bunny came to us through the local kill shelter. We didn't really have the funding to pull her and take care of her needs but a volunteer within the rescue stepped up to not only foster her but pay for her medical. As it turns out, she really didn't have much medically wrong so I am grateful that this foster took this role to save Bunny. She certainly was worth saving. She was a little beagle with a big heart. She was nervous and shy but really opening up to those that knew her. Her faithful human guardian who she brought so much love to passed months ago and now Bunny's mom is comforted by the fact that Bunny has joined him. She will be missed and we are blessed she came through our lives. Rest in peace girl... we will watch over mommy for you. |
![]() | We affectionately nicknamed him Duncan donuts and all loved him. Such a Sweet boy. Pulled out of the shelter where he faced death for being afraid. He was happy among us and then I met his soon to be family at a park and it was love at first sight. I am so glad that he was so loved with them. Last night he lost his battle with cancer and they had to say goodbye. It is such a loss for all of us when our alumni pass. Prayers for Mary, Andrew and Bailey who mourn his loss... Rest in peace our little Duncan donuts. |
![]() | This is so difficult for me to even form the words. Bull was the gentle giant who had a tremendous heart and although everyone fell in love with him, he stayed on the "available " list for years. Eventually we just made him our mascot. He encompassed everything you love about a beagle. He had an incredible life while with us. He defeated death twice. He had the biggest ears you could just melt away in. When his eyesight was better, he loved to chase and bay at little dogs and made everyone smile. We were honored to have him live with us. Truly we were. He was such a good dog. I can look back and laugh how he would sneak up and eat your money, leave you with a half of roll of toilet paper or sometimes just have it laying limp because he ate the inner cardboard roll. There were so many things, that I hope you can look back and fondly remember about him. Yesterday we suddenly lost Bull. He really did belong to all of us and I hope he knew just how much he was loved. Rest in Peace Bully boy, I will miss you beyond words. |
![]() | With a very heavy and sad heart...June, aka Junie, aka June Bug, passed over. When I first pulled her out of the shelter, I liked her because she was old and fragile but didn't think that much of her. Over the last three months, I fell in love with her. She was fragile but had an incredible zest for life. A ginger with spice who loved to be outdoors with me and would trot or prance while outside. Sometimes even participating in a game of chase with the others. I was always amused and fascinated that this old gal would do that. When I first would go to pet Junie, she would cower, curl into a ball with her tail tucked and freeze. I wondered what happened to her that she had such a hard time accepting love and affection but assumed she would be beaten. In the end, she did not fear me, but I think enjoyed the stroking to some extent. Junebug died at home. I hope I brought her to a gentle peace with humans at the end and taught her what love was. I loved this girl more than I would have ever known. She stole my heart with her shatterable little self. In the end, it was me who shattered over her loss. Rest in Peace my Junie Girl. |
![]() | Another alumni has fallen and become an angel. Casper crossed the bridge. He was very loved by his foster family who became his forever family. We will forever be grateful for the love they gave him. we know the last part of his life with them have been the best. Rest In Peace Casper... no more pain. |
![]() | Arthur was Archie and yet another Alumni today. Arthur, who came a long way from the east coast in terrible condition and at first did not have a very good outlook for his life, but he surprised us all and lived and enjoyed life for many more years than we expected. I know these past years were his best in the family that truly loved him and did everything for him... Rest in Peace and run free. |
![]() | It is with great sadness that I tell you of another alumnus who crossed over and became an angel. Sherlock was such a sweet soul. He wasn't treated very well before he came into rescue, but he was very loved once he was with us. He was adopted into a wonderful family. He continued to thrive with them and loved his feline sibling. We are so saddened by his sudden loss and our prayers go out to his family. We thank them for providing him so much love. I will remember how he made me laugh with his head out the dog door. Rest in peace Sherlock. We miss you. |
![]() | We lost another alumni angel...her sister passed close to this time last year and now we lose sweet Louise... the two came to us from further away in bad shape but they soon learned love. They were happy together and apart and ultimately were adopted separately. Louise was fostered and adopted by one of our regular fosters who shared a close bond with her.. unfortunately, cancer took her in the end there was nothing more that could be done. Our hearts go out to Linda and all of her furry siblings. We are so thankful for her family that loved her. Rest in peace Louise, we will watch over mommy for you. |
![]() | It's only been a couple months since I received a call to help a senior beagle dumped at the shelter when her family downsized. They decided not to take her because she was starting to have accidents. As it turns out, May was actually very sick. She had arthritis, a heart condition, a thyroid condition and advanced bladder cancer, none of which was being treated and she was actually in pain. We were heartbroken that we could not fix her entirely but we did know that we could comfort her and make these last days better than they had been. We got her on all the meds and supplements we could to ease her and make her days comfortable and happy. Even though she was in pain, she would show us signs of being happy at times. When we felt she was in constant pain and we could do no more, we made the difficult decision to release her from this pain. We try our best in rescue and it truly is all about the dog. Thank you to Erica and her family for seeing May through to the end. Hospice care is not always easy but very important. Because we have them a short time, does not mean we love them any less. Prayers to our May and may she forever be pain-free over the rainbow bridge. |
![]() | Duff was a remarkable dog. What he taught me is that Life is a miracle and it is worth living! Found on the streets, dumped in a shelter, almost killed in that shelter for rotten teeth and in this last year has overcome more things that I could ever imagine a dog could overcome. He bounced back from every single thing, but one. He beat Pneumonia more than once, continuous lung issues, a mouthful of rotten teeth, a parathyroid tumor, bladder stones, a cancerous mass to name just a few of the major issues he dealt with. He taught me to take it all in stride and be happy. This was a very happy and good dog. He was so strong. a few days ago, Duff collapsed and became paralyzed. We believe he had intervertebral disc disease. We put Duff on a course to bounce back once again, but this time, it was too much for him we saw the happiness leave him. I do believe that because of his foster home, he had a very loving good final year. Kristen and Jon clearly loved Duff and showed him so much care every day. I know they are hurting and I want to thank them tremendously for opening their heart and home to him. We didn't have any room to pull Duff and because they stepped up, we were able to save him. Even though Duff didn't live for many years, he was saved and perhaps he did the job he was here to do. I know he taught me a few lessons. Rest in Peace Duffy. We will greatly miss you, Duff. Be happy and run free. |
![]() | It is with a heavy heart that I announce Grandpa lost his fight. He was suffering and it turned out he had liver cancer. We are grateful he came to us and did not die in the shelter unloved. He died with dignity surrounded by love. We will miss this old guy that touched our hearts. Rest in Peace Grandpa |
![]() | Another alumnus became an angel. Although this picture says Andy, Andy became Bart. He was a happy guy who was a complete foodie. You might think typical beagle, but he was probably just even a little bit more. His love for food often got him in trouble, but now his parents will have all those stories to look back on and laugh. He touched their hearts and became family at a time they really needed it. We are forever grateful they took this silly senior and made him part of their family. He won't soon be forgotten. Rest in Peace Bart! |
![]() | Once again with a heavy heart, I am saddened by the news. Buddy (formerly River in the rescue) came in from California with rough edges... slow to trust... slow to give love... But in his foster home, he found the love given to him came with no strings attached. Through this love, he flourished and gave love back. Soon they both discovered, he was forever home... He continued to accept other foster dogs into his home and help show them the ropes and guide them to their forever homes. Buddy was always good to sense another dog's needs and help him. Buddy suddenly became ill and couldn't use any of his legs and was in excruciating pain. Doctors couldn't figure out at first the reason. Nothing helped get him out of pain or walk. His limbs were useless. The news finally came, He had a tumor in his spine. Unfortunately, this tumor was inoperable. No one wanted to see Buddy in the pain he was constantly in... He left his foster daddy with a crack in his heart as he passed over the Rainbow Bridge. Buddy will never be forgotten. Buddy and his daddy shared a special bond that most can only imagine. Rest in Peace Buddy... We will watch over daddy for you... Run pain-free. |
![]() | We want to send our condolences to our alumni family that lost Sammy. He was such a fun loving guy and fairly young. We are so sorry to hear of his passing. I was honored to watch him while his family had to go out of town. I know his human and canine siblings will miss him greatly as well as his mom and dad. We all share in their loss and thank the Ziegler family for loving him and giving him a home as part of the family. Rest in Peace Sammy. |
![]() | The Rainbow bridge takes another alumni I am sad to say. We never want them in pain, but always want more time with them. Bentley has joined our many other angels. Originally confiscated and put in a shelter where he came close to losing his life for minor things. He had a stroke of luck then because not only did he get out of the shelter but his foster parents soon would realize he was too precious to let go and he would become their permanent family. He was able to rescue them. We are so thankful he was loved these past years and given the life he truly deserved. We mourn with the Littel family as we lose Bentley to cancer. He will never leave our hearts. Rest in Peace Bentley. |
![]() | I am so very saddened today. With a heavy heart, I share my sympathy for Katie. Princess was discarded aside when she had bladder stones and her "owners" just said to euthanize her. She was only 6 years old and such a sweet girl, that the vet sought an ulterior choice, SNBRF. We didn't have a lot of experience with Pekingese, but some and of course a dog in need, we would love to help. She went through surgery and treatment with your support. She was destined to find her forever home with us and in the Estes family. They had just lost their Princess shortly before and everyone was suffering the loss when they stumbled upon our Princess. They felt it was meant to be and so did we. A beautiful home and loving family gladly accepted and went the distance, for now, to be called Katie. (I liked to refer to her as Princess Katie). You could not deny the love they had for her. Even though Katie was now living in Sedona, I spoke to her daddy often and heard all about her new adventures as well as was able to see the pictures. Two weeks ago, Katie became ill and they did everything they could to find out what was going on. She went to specialists, consulted in and out of state and tried different treatments. She received around the clock care and this morning lost her fight when she couldn't recover from a massive seizure which ended her little vibrant young life. The Estes family is devastated and we share in their loss and grief for one of our fur babies. Run pain-free over the rainbow bridge Katie. I am so happy you touched all of our lives and had the love of a wonderful family at the end of your short life. We thank the Estes family for opening their hearts for the second time in a year and having them break. Pawprints are left in the heart. RIP Princess Katie. |
![]() | Another sweet Angel crosses over. Belle lost her fight with cancer tonight. She was a brave courageous girl. Originally only given a few weeks to live, she far surpassed this by living an extra year. I have to contribute that to her loving home. She wasn't ready to go until now. She had too much more love to give and receive. in 2011, I first met Belle and her sister Chimera. A sweet very bonded pair. These two were inseparable and often they would be in the same position and the same spot. Notorious for cleaning each other's ears constantly. Chimera will receive comfort from her other beagle sister Molly but I am sure she will feel the loss of her sister she has had all these years just as much as their parents. I will remember Belle for her sweet personality and her way of popping up instantly as soon as you would be petting anyone else. Thank you, Emma and Scott, for making Belle a part of your family and seeing her through her toughest year with love. This family was a perfect match for the girls. I fostered Belle and Chimera for six months, then suddenly the curtains parted and the perfect family was there for them. It became quickly apparent that the girls quickly bonded with their parents and it was as if they had always been there. This is where they belonged. Rest in Peace Belle. Out of pain. Over the rainbow bridge. May Scott and Emma take comfort in the life they saved in many more ways than one. |
![]() | I have some heartbreaking news...we have another alumnus angel. Ranger has passed on. For everyone that met him, he was a fun loving guy and a joy to be around. His bay was also amazing. In the end, he lost his ability to bay. We were touched by him and I recently had the pleasure of watching him for a short time which was so nice for me to be able to have that time with him. We are forever grateful to his mommy for loving him so much and seeing him to the end. Rest easy, Range. No more pain. |
![]() | Bella was abandoned at an animal hospital after she was attacked and her eye was severely injured. She did recover from her eye injury but her family never came to get her. This is where we came in. She was such an easy-going nice dog. She did find the perfect home and for the last 4 years has been doing great but suddenly became ill and she has now crossed over the bridge. We send our condolences out to Madlyn. Bella joins all of our alumni across the Rainbow Bridge. She will be missed. Rest in peace sweet girl. |
![]() | This is not the news I wanted to deliver today, but her life and the love she passed on to all those that met her meant so much, there was no way I could not mention our loss today. Lola, the little beagle with lots of spirit. She has crossed over and we mourn with her family. Lola and her sister came to the rescue when tragedy hit her family who could not care for her. They were lovely girls and we bonded so we did not feel we could separate them. They found a wonderful family who gave them so much love and they reciprocated in return. It was Lola's sister that had a brush with death and recovered. We could never have imagined Lola would end up sick. But if there is one thing we have learned is Life is mysterious and precious, we just never know. Lola passed peacefully as her body could not continue any longer. She was surrounded by love. She leaves her mom and dad behind and canine beagle sister an brother. I know they will all miss her and we will too. We are all blessed to have known her and be able to laugh and smile in her adventures. She made an impact as many of them do throughout the rescue and with the foster families as well. Rest in peace Lola girl and join the others. |
![]() | We knew for six months this day would come. People often think because I have gone through this many times, it gets easier. Well let me set that straight, it doesn't. Ivy was my foster dog and I loved her just as much as any other. She came to me broken, both physically and emotionally. I'd like to think I healed her emotionally. In the end, I think she knew I loved her. Often we would look for her, wondering what odd place she would be. She loved to walk and sniff around and would look for me. Today was her last day. She was unable to eat her Itty bitty Buddy Biscuits. Her body gave up on her long before she did. She was a used dog. She made sure I mopped every day and she got baths often, but I didn't mind because she needed the love I had to give. She would smile and sometimes even run. In the end, her body was too broken to overcome. She had bladder cancer among other things and her pain was too great. Rest in Peace my little pumpkin. Go find the boys. |
![]() | We saw just how sweet you were when we first met you. We were the blessed ones to know you. I am reminded how fragile life is and honored to play a part in your journey. I am at peace knowing your last part of life was spent with a loving family. Rest in Peace Charlie, may all our friends over the rainbow bridge welcome you to your new home. You will be missed. |
![]() | Another alumnus crossed over and become an angel. Adopted two years ago at the age of thirteen when her original owners apparently felt at that age she held no value. But the Glover family saw right away just how valuable she was. She was given a home with love and we are so grateful for that. We are so sorry to see her go and we have great sympathy for the Glover family. Rest in Peace Sweet Gracie girl. Run free with those who are already over the bridge. |
![]() | Fallen Angel...Lovey's name suited her well, for she was a love. Given up by a family that loved her but fell on hard times. They never stopped checking in on her. Yet she found a new family to give her the love she so richly deserved. She was an easy going girl. Unfortunately, Lovey passed over the rainbow bridge at such a young age, she was under 5. She must have had something going on that none of us knew. They think she might have had a heart attack. She didn't make it to the hospital. She was a good girl. RIP Lovey. |
![]() | Handsome Akuma (pronounced Kuma), had been neglected for a long time but he is sweet and he was given a good end with a loving foster family. |
![]() | Oscar. A tear trickles down as I think about a day slightly over a year ago. at the very beginning of August in 2013, I went to the shelter to save an old guy from death. Due to be euthanized for an ear infection no less. He was a lovely older gent who barked and barked a lot as well as whined. But he was sweet as pie and I named him Oscar. Most of you know I have a soft spot for the old and special needs. Oscar might have been older, but he had so much youth inside. Unfortunately shortly in foster care, he blew out his knee and needed surgery. He did overcome that and a few months later blew out his other knee and needed that ACL repaired. He had a remarkable team by then; a very special family that saw what others couldn't. They adopted Oscar and he recovered exceptionally well and continued to thrive because of their love and their concern for him. He barely barked at all with them and in his last year of life, he went on more trips then most people do in their lifetime. He basically went everywhere with them and even was on stage when they performed. Oscar ended up with cancer and although had a couple of surgeries, they only gave him a short time, which he far exceeded by months... I credit that to Beth and Nan. Some of you who came to our grand opening might remember Nan, as she played beautiful music for you all... I am so thankful that Oscar's last year was with Beth and Nan and that he had an abundance of love. He became a new dog under their care, the youth inside came out. I will miss this old guy. He had the softest ears and the most giving heart. Rest in Peace, big guy. We love you always Oscar. Run and be pain-free. |
![]() | We recently just heard of another alumni becomming an angel. We are so sorry to have lost Reggie now. He came into rescue many years ago with his sister. Their family loved them but with the quarantine laws in effect at that time, they could not take them and surrendered them to us, often inquiring how they were doing. They both are loved by a family who now is enduring a tremendous loss along with his sister he left behind. Our hearts go out to the Passer family. Thank you for loving Reggie all these years. Rest in peace boy. |
![]() | Bonnie now Bailey a heavy heart for rescue today. Little Bonnie as we called her, Bailey as her given name passed over the rainbow bridge. She was loved in life and will be greeted by her brothers and sisters already over the rainbow bridge. The poor little girl was very sick and her body shut down on her as she fell into unrecoverable renal failure. In the end, she was reunited with her family as they were able to say good-bye. Still, by far, the hardest part of rescue is losing them and as much as you fight for them, not being able to save them. Rest in peace little girl. |
![]() | Ariana was another Angel alumni of ours... She was tied outside of the shelter to be found and then claimed unadoptable. She came a long way from there. Not only was she adoptable but she landed the perfect home for her. She was mischievous and fun loving. She was a toy hoarder til the end. She ran the hills in Spain and got to do whatever she wanted in Las Vegas. Ariana was like a little fawn and she melted hearts. I know how much her family will miss her. We can't thank them enough for giving her the most loving home. She fought cancer hard and came back from it several times, but in the end, her little body gave out. Rest in Peace Ari, we will all miss you. |
![]() | Arthur, who came a long way from the east coast in terrible condition and at first did not have a very good outlook for his life, but he surprised us all and lived and enjoyed life for many more years than we expected. I know these past years were his best in the family that truly loved him and did everything for him... Rest in Peace and run free.. |
![]() | Leo was only 3 years old and we thought he had his whole life ahead of him.. fate decided something else. We are glad he had this last year with a family that truly loved him. |
![]() | Leonardo was a sweet older gent and luckily found just the family to love him and that they did but recently lost him and we are saddened by this news. |
![]() | Today was a day that anyone in rescue hates: Unfortunately, we were too late for Ginger. The mass in her neck invaded her mouth and all down her throat. She was a sweet little girl, but at least she didn't suffer on the streets where she was originally found. RIP and join Brady over the Rainbow Bridge. For the hundreds of dogs we save, we still feel the sting of the few we don't but we always try. Every one of them is worth the fight. God Bless |
![]() | Five years ago we were involved with a puppy mill rescue that pulled in multiple rescue groups across the valley. over fifty dogs were saved that night with a wide range of issues from mild to severe. We were so fortunate that all the dogs found wonderful homes. Anyone of you that have a dog from this traumatic time will not soon forget what they went through and what an impact they have had in our lives. Yesterday one of them crossed the Rainbow Bridge. It was an honor to know him and our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the Swidarski family. I know how much you loved Mojo and how much he loved you. Rest in Peace sweet Mojo. |
![]() | It is with a heavy heart that I bring to you news of another angel alumni, Turner a.k.a. bad boy Turner Finn had an accident and passed over the Rainbow bridge. He went much too soon. We are so saddened by his loss and we dearly miss him. He joins his brother and sister over the bridge. We know how much his mommy and daddy will miss him. Our hearts go out to them.. God bless them and Turner... rest in peace good boy. I will miss you and your shenanigans. |
![]() | Another alumni passes over the rainbow bridge. I remember when they went and got her and Paddy. She was a sad little thing but boy did she have a thing for food. a typical beagle and then some. She was a little sick when she came in but as soon as her transporters saw her, they fell hard... in love. How could you not? As Maggie healed her insides and got better, she showed a zest for life and a love of rolling her belly on the grass. She landed her forever home with the ones that drove to California to get her. They couldn't forget her and couldn't let go. I know this is so hard for them. They didn't go looking for her. They weren't even sure they were ready to adopt and yet there was no turning back. Maggie recently became ill and was declining rapidly. Our hearts and prayers and sincere condolences go out to the Gilmer /Carlos family. Maggie will be forever in our hearts. Thank you for showing her the love she truly deserved.. RIP Sweet Baby girl. You were taken before your time, but in the short time we had you, I know you felt the love. We will forever remember you... |
![]() | Once again, we say good-bye. One of our Alumni has fallen and crossed the bridge. Alley McBeagle has passed. She was a sweet girl who was a good companion. She was passed around a bit before she came to us. She was able to find her forever home with beagle siblings and found love that lasted until the end... In the end, she fought and lost her battle with lung cancer. Rest in peace sweet baby girl. Run with the others over the rainbow bridge. |
![]() | We recently learned that this angel has now crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Levi was thrown away by her family for a ridiculous reason. I know we've all heard them. Anyway, she did not last long in the rescue as you can imagine. she is a blue fawn beagle and quite beautiful. She took to her daddy right away. She went everywhere with him. We were so happy before them and we are so sorry to hear of her loss. Take care of Levi and rest in peace with all of our other babies. |
![]() | It is with a very sad heart that I let you know about our little Tina Marie Crystal Dickinson has passed over the rainbow bridge. She was just a baby when she came to us at 4 months of age. She ended up at the shelter and was going to be put down for having a cold. She was a skinny thing with long legs. This little girl overcame that cold rather quickly and soon showed us just what kind of spunky spitfire she really was. Everyone that met and got to know Tina would melt and fall in love. She really did have that kind of effect. She would turn the average person into a dog lover just because of them knowing her. She loved to play, completely made you laugh, did cause a bit of mischief but also was a completely cuddle girl. Her beagle brother (also an alumn) would get annoyed with her and completely loved her. Originally when I suggested to the family they foster Tina, I thought she might help fill a void where they were mourning a loss. She did alright and they fell in love and made her part of the forever family. We could have never anticipated that this little girls life would end so short. Tina Marie only lived to one year old. She got terribly sick and after all the testing, they still could not figure out what was wrong. What was worse is none of the treatment worked and she got worse and worse to the point where she couldn't even breathe. We completely mourn the loss of such a spirited loving girl. She is now at peace and thankfully no longer in pain but the pain we carry in our hearts from not having her here every day will continue on. Tina Marie, Rest in Peace baby girl. You were a light that shined so bright, we will all miss you. |
![]() | It is with great sadness that I tell you about sweet Henry. This senior was so special in so many ways. He touched everyone who saw him or even just a picture of him. We do not know the life he came from but it seems that it was quite harsh. He came to us in very rough shape with many problems and even hair that had been burnt. He was as sweet as pie and we all loved him. He was also such a trooper and even with all his problems lived for many years. We were so fortunate to find his family. One that showed him love that likely he had never had before and he melted their hearts. They truly loved him. Unfortunately, his life came to an end and he passed peacefully this morning. We will all miss him. We are so sorry and have great Sympathy for the Willard family. He will always hold a special place in our heart. Rest in peace sweet Henry. |
![]() | Nicole was found on the streets. She melted the hearts of her forever mommy and daddy. They know how lucky they were to have her and we know how lucky she was to have them. They spoiled her as she deserved. It didn't long to find her way into their hearts and stay forever. She got sick suddenly with heart disease and her end came quickly. Little Nicole will greatly be missed. Rest in peace out of pain over the bridge Nicole. |
![]() | Rest in peace Harvey. Another alumnus passed over the bridge. Harvey was loved and we are so thankful for that.. he came in and had continual issues with his blood but after multiple adoption events, his foster family realized Harvey had already found a home. They officially adopted him and we are so grateful for the love they gave him. He was a Good boy and although I saw him at the reunion and he looked wonderful, sadly he has now left us. Our deepest sympathy goes out to the D'angeli family. |
![]() | It was September 2012, I pulled two beagles out of our kill shelter...this was Seymour... a happy-go-lucky guy. Although he lost almost all of his teeth right away could never convince this Beagle. Roughly three months later, his foster mom decided he wasn't going anywhere, he was already part of the family. I am so happy he found the love he deserved. Tonight, I mourn with his family upon hearing he has crossed over the Rainbow bridge. I will never forget you Seymour. Rest in peace happy boy. |
![]() | Another Angel is laid to rest. The news of her passing came as a surprise today. Our precious Queenie went into congestive heart failure and couldn't breathe. This angel came to us on Christmas Eve. Pulled out of a high kill shelter where they thought very little of her life and were about to put her down. She had an upper respiratory infection that actually took her awhile to overcome. Even months later, she would still cough and her nose could run. Queenie enjoyed going to the parks and getting out with her sister. Two days before her death she was having a great time at the park. She did find her forever home and in the end, she had an abundance of love. We were so surprised to hear of her sudden passing. We are so happy that she had a loving and caring home. She will be missed and we are forever grateful to the Bounds family for showing a senior girl that she was worth every precious second of every day. RIP Sweet Queenie. May those that passed before you greet you at the bridge. |
![]() | It is with a very sad and heavy heart that I let you know our little Hennessey passed during the night. We are so saddened by his death. Even though we got him out of the shelter, we feel terrible that he never got to feel some real Loving Care in a home. He did not get the care he needed in the shelter because he was afraid. And although we tried to get him the care he needed, he was already so sick. He was afraid, but he was already starting to come around the one night we had him before going to the hospital. So hug your babies tonight and please say a little prayer for our little man Hennessy. Rest in peace little one, safe journeys over the Rainbow Bridge. I wish we could have done more for you. Xoxo. |
![]() | With a saddened heart the news came that Clyde has passed over the Rainbow bridge. For those of you that met him, you would have to agree, he was an energetic ol' guy who was lovable and sweet. We pulled Clyde out of a kill shelter recently and he had a cancerous mass removed. He seemed to be doing very well. He was certainly becoming more affectionate with the encouragement of the love he was being given in his foster home. Clyde passed peacefully in his sleep last night. We are so grateful that he didn't die in a cold shelter and was given and experienced love at the very end. Thank you to Tanner Karstetter and Lacy for providing a safe and loving home for him. R.I.P Clyde and Run free over the rainbow bridge. |
![]() | Chubbs passed away at 9:55 pm. I hugged him as he slipped away. Rest in Peace, Chubbs. |
![]() | I just said goodbye to my sweet honey baby Sally. She came into the rescue recently but already too late with so many things wrong, the worst of all cancer. She had a good week at home with lots of love and let me know when she was ready. Thank you, Ms. Sally, for touching me with your life. |
![]() | This sweet angel named Misty came into the rescue at 16 years old. Owner dumped at the shelter and no chance to make it out without a rescue. We expected a frail old lady, but Misty had a lot of pep and didn't act her age. Soon after she was diagnosed with mast cell cancer and this weekend it spread and she was starting to suffer. We said goodbye to Misty and let her rest in peace and join our other babies across the bridge. |
![]() | We just found out we have another alumni angel. Bagel was a good boy and found his forever mom 5 years ago. He recently crossed over the bridge and our prayers go out to his family. We know they are missing him terribly and we are so grateful to them for loving him all these years. Rest in Peace Bagel. |
![]() | Our sweet Bear, known as Bailey Bear, lost his battle with cancer recently and crossed over the bridge. We are grateful for his foster mommy, who couldn't live without him and made him a permanent home from adoption until now. He was such a fun happy guy. I know we will all miss him. Rest in Peace Bailey. |
![]() | Sydney was a good looking fun dog so it was not a surprise when his foster family fell in love with him and adopted him. Unfortunately a little over 4 years later, Sid ended up with cancer. Today, we lost another alumni. Once they leave the rescue, they are still always remembered and thought of and when they cross over the bridge, we feel that loss as well. Rest in Peace, our hearts go out to the D'Angeli family. We will all miss him. Thank you for loving him and taking him into your family. |
![]() | Another one of our babies passes. Frosty came to us in bad shape. He was dumped in an awful shelter by his owners. He was sick and thin and a senior. We honestly weren't sure he would make it. He didn't even eat for 2 weeks. But slowly he decided perhaps he had one last romp for someone who would love him and see him through. He found a wonderful family that he absolutely loved. I truly believe he flourished and found new life with them more than he could ever have with me. He was sick and we didn't know how much time he had. As it turns out, he thrived for over a year. We thank his parents for loving him so much and always doing the best for him and for letting him go when it was. time. Rest in peace ol' boy, go chase your ball! |
![]() | With a heavy heart, I let you know that Jenny passed over the bridge. Jenny was adopted 5 years ago. We could tell she had a hard life. One of her ears was missing, and she had some long scars. Her internal scars were even deeper. As luck would have it, she found the perfect dad to adopt her. He understood her needs and loved her fiercely. She ended up getting cancer and still she went on for months, chasing rabbits with her sister. Everyone in the neighborhood loved her. We are so glad these last 5 years, she was treated with love and compassion. We could not have asked for more. We will all miss her and our prayers go out to her dad and beagle sister. Rest in peace baby girl. we love you. |
![]() | I have so many emotions about Amber, right now. This is when rescue is hard. We try so hard to save each one and give them a better life. We did actually do that for Amber. She came to us at the very beginning of this new year. Her life up until then was horrible. She was forced to live outdoors, not loved, neglected. She had tumors growing out of her ears that had to be uncomfortable. We fixed her up. We knew she hadn't seen a vet in 8 years. She could have been a dog who was a loner, but she loved to cuddle and be loved. She would follow you everywhere. These months were the best in her life, I just know it. She then found a home, one that was perfect for her. They loved her to pieces and she slept in a bed with her human every night. She had her beagle sister to lay all over her. And then this week, her belly swelled up and got hard and she all of a sudden seemed to shrink and become incredibly thin. As it turns out, she was full of cancer everywhere. My heart hurts so much because we didn't get her in time. We helped her and thought we got it all but it had clearly spread without any other signs. Her family had her just shy of two months and tonight we were both there to help her cross over. She still had a zest for life and was so happy to be loved but she was having more and more trouble. She slipped away peacefully. I am so saddened that her time being loved in a home with a family that cared was not longer. although I am relieved her last couple of months she experienced what she had longed for her whole life. I'm so sorry baby girl that we did not get you soon enough. Rest in peace knowing you were very loved. |
![]() | As I write this, my heart and eyes weep. When I first saw this baby. I was instantly drawn to him because he was a healthy version of our beagle angel TJ. So we did what we could and got him out of the shelter. We named him Friday as this was the day he started his new life. Shortly after coming into rescue, he ended up losing his tail. We were sad but Friday didn't seem to care. He was a happy dog who loved to roll in dirt and who found a family so wonderful that showered him with love. He started gaining siblings too and never lost his hunger for life and food (typical beagle.) Friday left us earlier than we thought this morning. He was recently diagnosed with cancer but on the outside he was keeping his zest for life until this morning. He succumbed to his disease and passed over the bridge. We will miss him and mourn with his family. What a tremendous loss. They are no strangers to pain and loss but it does not make it any easier. Rest in peace Friday. Run and find Queenie and all the other angels who have crossed. We will watch over mommy and daddy. |
![]() | It was my great honor to walk the last couple of months of TJ's journey in life with him. I loved him the minute I saw him. This scrawny skeleton of a beagle, a definite uncommon sight, just reached out to me with his eyes and reached into my soul. He wobbled when he walked and yet with some concentration he could actually move rather fast. He had a lot of love to give and all he asked in return was for some french fries. I am certainly going to miss him. I wanted to save him but then I found out it was too late. I pray and hope that I showed him the abundance of love and kindness he more than deserved. Rest in Peace my TJ. Run wobble-free, out of pain with your nose finally not running and show them how to make french fries like Dairy Queen up there. I love you. |
![]() | The month was March when Paddy entered my life. Little did I know the role that he would play in our lives. Because he came into the rescue around St Patrick's day and being Irish, I named him Paddy. He was a great mellow guy who had a very distinct personality. He was adopted to a young couple who had him only a couple of weeks when they decided to move in with family and couldn't take him. He was then adopted out to an older couple but then his medical issues started and they gave him back. We didn't know Paddy had Cushing's. Because he wasn't being treated, he had many secondary problems. Paddy would not be adopted out again. Instead, he stayed with me to live his life out and I loved that guy, problems and all... He melted my heart. He was such a fighter, with all he had been through, his body was delicate but he kept pushing on. Until a couple of years passed and another March came along and he was ready to go. Paddy passed over the rainbow bridge surrounded by my love. I didn't want him to go but told him if he was ready, then he shouldn't stay for me. Paddy was special and now he is with my boys and they will all remain forever in my heart. |
![]() | This is Clover. She was 10 years old. We pulled her out of the shelter where she was threatened to be put to sleep because she was obese, older, had arthritis and a lump as well as bad teeth. We didn't know that Clover was actually much worse than we thought. She was a happy girl and clearly had been neglected by whoever had her for a long while. She was in bad shape. As it turns out, Clover had a huge abdominal mass and ended up bleeding out of her rectum... We hoped to save her but now we realize our job was to help her cross over the bridge with compassion, kindness and dignity and not on a cold shelter floor. Thank you to the Valentino family for being there for her and helping her cross. RIP sweet Clover. |
![]() | Our angels continue to fall... alumni Smoot passes away. Smoot if you recall was a 15 yr old Jack Russell that was dumped in the shelter cause he was old. He spent his last couple of months on earth being loved and we are so grateful to his family for adopting him and giving him the love he deserved for his final days here. Rest in peace. |
![]() | We are so very sorry to hear of the loss of Oreo. We will all miss him greatly. I got this call a few years ago from a rescue person in California telling me the nicest beagle mix was about to be put down. Well since we already had a beagle coming right past the area, we decided to pull him out of this shelter and with this rescuer's help got him here to SNBRF. He was such a lovely easy going fellow. I know his foster family loved him a lot. As it turns out the other dog that came with him was adopted along with Oreo to a wonderful family. We can not thank them enough for providing so much love to him. I recently had the pleasure of watching both Lolly and Oreo while the family went on vacation. These two are special and so laid back. I know the family will also miss Oreo tremendously. They gave him a home and love when he needed it most and I know he gave them the love back. Sadly, cancer took over him just recently and he went very quickly. Rest in Peace Oreo, we were all glad to know you and have you in our lives. |
![]() | we got news that Penny has passed. I remember when I went to pick her up. We called her Nancy. It was awful what they let her get to. I saw her and she couldn't barely get up. they would feed her in her bed. She was so very overweight. We worked on her weight and health and medical needs. We had her for a bit as most people seem to like to fatten their beagles up but do not want to necessarily adopt a fat beagle we noticed. But as the pounds came off, something wonderful happened, a lovely couple from out of state wanted to adopt her. They came and adopted her and she became Penny. when they were back in town another time, they adopted another from us. We were so glad that they gave Penny a loving forever home. She came to really love her walks. She will be greatly missed. Rest in peace Penny girl. |
![]() | One of our boys is being called home. just under 18 months ago, I pulled this little gentleman out of AF. They were way off on his age and we traced his chip back to determine he was at least 13. He had a plethora of issues and we almost lost him during his first surgery. But with love and care, his heart was under control, his skin issues were under control and he was happy and thriving. This past year we found a tiny lump on him. To our surprise it turned out to be mast cell. Nothing changed. This guy took everything in stride. he lived life. Loved toys, loved his canine siblings and his mom and dad. It was a joy to watch him go through these changes of a downright mess to a happy fairly healthy guy. We made sure that he maintained a good quality of life. Then tonight came. It got much worse all of a sudden and through it all, he had his toy. His mom and dad devoted to him made sure to do right by him. I am so saddened for him and them. Merlin was a pretty cool guy and we all will miss him greatly. We don't really know the time we have. Make it count. Follow Merlin's lead. Rest in Peace Merlin.. we are sorry you could not be with us longer. |
![]() | Cleo was the perfect beagle. Life can sometimes be very unfair. A dog comes along that touches most people's hearts. She was kind and loving. She was fun and beaglicious.. She wasn't in the rescue long when we found this lump. We did surgery but it was attached to her rib, so it could not be removed all the way. Still, her dad found her and loved her. A year later it came back, he tried everything, chemo, holistic, surgery consult.. and the outcome was not what we hoped for. Still, as this mass grew, she was still her happy fun loving self. and she went over another year with this. Then today came and the mass got so big, that it now pressed on her spine and caused issues. None of us wants to see a dog suffer. Especially when we know how much they truly enjoy life. We lost Cleo today but her spirit lives on. Her dad is crushed as he knew this day would one day come. She joins her sisters before her, Dusty & Jenny and leaves one behind. Coco will take care of dad now. We will all think about her fondly and laugh about the things she did. I am filled with Joy knowing that her last years were spent being loved, having fun and living life. Rest in peace little girl.... go chase those rabbits you love with Jenny... |
![]() | Heaven gained an angel today. When we got Lettie, she had been dumped in a shelter by her owner. She cried for ten days before the shelter would release her. We thought she was crying because she was sad. Then we got her and saw, she was on pain. We did surgery on her and found out she had cancer and it had already spread. We knew we could at least make sure she was not in pain and had a good end filled with quality. She required a lot of meds but when she was on them, we knew they helped because she acted like a new puppy. She would be into everything, running around and making noise. She lived with us for four months. She shared in two foster homes and was thoroughly loved. When it became apparent that she was declining and her quality could not be there, we were with her when she tossed over peacefully. Rest in Peace Lettie. Having some craziness up in heaven. |
![]() | It is with our deepest sympathies we lose an alumni today who was struggling and battling. We know her well and are so sorry to her family. Lucy is a beautiful blue fawn beagle and when her transporters got her, they decided they really could not let her go. We know she was in a lovely home that truly cared and she had a good life. living abroad and here. rest in peace Lucy.. we will all miss you. look down on daddy now from heaven. |
![]() | Delta had a hard life living in a research lab most of her life. she was just shy of being free for 2 years. We were so blessed to have such a loving family for her during that time but unfortunately she crossed over the rainbow bridge today. We are so sorry to hear of her loss and send our deepest sympathies to her family who foster for us as well. Delta was a beautiful soul, full of fun and love despite her awful beginning. we will continue to remember her and keep her in our hearts. rest in peace baby girl. |
![]() | One of our little alumni has crossed over. Jaden came in really as a special needs case (Kobe in rescue). A tiny chihuahua who hid some issues...but he found his forever home where he blossomed and was so loved. We are so sorry for their loss of little Jaden. Rest in peace |
![]() | We just found out that Molly who was Miss B with us, passed away this weekend. She came to us with her nails so long they curled around and overweight. She had been found on the street. Despite the neglect, she was a very loving girl and soon found her home. I know her time with us and with her family, likely were her best days. Her family got her down to a healthy weight and loved her but unfortunately she ended up with Cushings and they managed it as well as they could until her time came, only a short year. We were saddened to hear this and our hearts go out to the family for loving her. We thank them for that. Rest in peace girl. I am glad you experienced love in that last year. |
![]() | We recently found out that one of our Alumni, Roxie, crossed over the rainbow bridge. She was having heart issues. She was very young at only 8 years old but we know she was loved and lived in a happy loving home for 6 years. Rest in Peace girl. |
![]() | Many years ago in 2008, a beagle named Barkley came into the rescue.. he was a strong guy and soon found his home with a loving family. We have just learned that Barkley just passed over to the rainbow bridge... We were so sad to hear of this news. We were blessed to know him and have a small part in his forever happiness. We are so sorry to his family that are now mourning his loss. Our hearts go out to them. Rest in Peace Barkley, we will all miss you |