6/15/22 7 years ago we took in some sibling beagles. They had been together their whole life and were bonded. They got adopted together and became Sherlock & Watson. We had many adventures with them over the years as we watched them at the SNBRF often.

Sherlock (previously Scotty) ended up with renal failure and really declined within this last week. Unfortunately Sherlock needed to cross the rainbow bridge. He stopped by Beagletopia to say good-bye and I could see he needed to be at peace. I will think of him and remember all the times he tried to catch the critters at Beagletopia. He even almost got a bunny! (thankfully not). It would make me smile and chuckle to see his beagle antics. I will miss him and I know this huge loss will have an impact on his mom and his brother. We are so sorry for their loss and are grateful for the love and family he got all these years. Sherlock was 15. Rest in Peace Sherlock, you will be missed.